
My asceticism has rewarded me with naught but ill,

جزاني الزهد مان جزاء سوء

1. My asceticism has rewarded me with naught but ill,
Though man should be rewarded with honor.

١. جزاني الزهد مان جزاء سوءٍ
وكنت المرء يجزى بالكرامة

2. I have fought in defense and learned that Ma'di
Knows the sons of Qurayza and their uncle Qudama.

٢. لقد دافعت وقد علمت معدٌ
بني قُرظٍ وعمهم قدامة

3. I stirred them up, kneeling on their knees until
I made clear to you thereby a hundred darknesses.

٣. أجاثيهم على الركبات حتى
أثبتكم بها مائةً ظلامة