
The longing, when the stages stirred you

أللشوق لما هيجتك المنازل

1. The longing, when the stages stirred you,
Where the valleys met between two slopes,

١. أَلِلشَوقِ لَمّا هَيَّجَتكَ المَنازِلُ
بِحَيثُ التَقَت مِن بَينَتَينِ الغَياطِلُ

2. You remembered, so a tear flowed
Freely from your eye, pouring down.

٢. تَذَكَّرتَ فَاِنهَلَّت لِعَينِكَ عَبرَةٌ
يَجودُ بِها جارٍ مِنَ الدَمعِ وابِلُ

3. Nights of a life made pleasant by his face,
Once, and Sa'da was a friend who stayed by me.

٣. لَيالِيَ مِن عَيشٍ لَهَونا بِوَجهِهِ
زَماناً وَسُعدى لي صَديقٌ مُواصِلُ

4. Leave Sa'da now, desires help love
Join once, then are inconstant.

٤. فَدَع عَنكَ سُعدى إِنَّما تُسعِفُ النَوى
قَرانَ الثُرَيّا مَرَّةً ثُمَّ تافلُ

5. To you, Ibn Layla mounts his smooth-gaited camel,
We two race, carried by a relay of camels.

٥. إِلَيكَ اِبنَ لَيلى تَمتَطي العيسَ صُحبَتي
تَرامى بِنا مِن مَبرَكَينِ المَناقِلُ

6. Threading through the thickets of his loved one,
Like a wild cat counting the water-holes.

٦. تَخَلَّلُ أَحوازَ الخُبيبِ كَأَنَّها
قَطاً قارِبٌ أَعدادَ حُلوانَ ناهِلُ

7. A mare freed from the rein's control when
Her guide gave her her head at the halter.

٧. وَمُسنِفَةٌ فَضلَ الزِمامِ إِذا اِنتَحى
بِهِزَّةِ هاديها عَلى السَومِ بازِلُ

8. She plays, darting ahead of Ibn Layla, the braided
Tether and the charming ankle-brace distracting her.

٨. تَلَغَّبَها دونَ اِبنِ لَيلى وَشَفَّها
سُهادُ السُرى وَالسَبسَبُ المُتماحِلُ

9. Old Dilath, I never dropped his rein,
My guide holds him back when the clay-pit lies ahead.

٩. دِلاثُ العَتيقِ ما وَضَعتُ زِمامَهُ
مُنيفٌ بِهِ الهادي إِذا اِحتُثَّ ذامِلُ

10. You, Ibn Layla, grace your tribe when
Business trips show what men are made of.

١٠. وَأَنتَ اِبنَ لَيلى خَيرُ قَومِكَ مَشهَداً
إِذا ما اِحمَأَرَّت بِالعَبيطِ العَوامِلُ

11. Beautiful, bright-faced, open,
Mild when disasters shake his composure.

١١. جَميلُ المُحَيّا أَبلَجُ الوَجهِ واضِحٌ
حَليمٌ إِذا ما زَلزَلَتهُ الزَلازِلُ

12. His lineage is noble among honored houses,
Their glory is his banner.

١٢. لَهُ حَسَبٌ في الحَيِّ وارٍ زِنادُهُ
عَفارٌ وَمَرخٌ حَثَّهُ الوَريُ عاجِلُ

13. Who can accuse me of being miserly
Or of refusing his request? For you are generous.

١٣. فَمَن يَنبُ عَنّي نَبوَةَ البُخلِ أَو يُرِد
لِمَعروفِهِ صَرفاً فَإِنَّكَ باذِلُ

14. The camels of bounty knelt all before you
And you gave freely, your abundance was enough.

١٤. أُديرَت حَمالاتُ المَكارِمِ كُلُّها
عَلَيكَ فَلَم تَبخل فَفَضلُكَ شامِلُ

15. You welcomed two guests: you were of use
To one with prompt friendliness, soon gone.

١٥. وَأَنتَ أَبو ضَيفَينِ ضَيفٌ نَفَعتَهُ
بِنَفحَةِ عُرفٍ عاجِلٍ فَهوَ زائِلُ

16. Another hopes from you what the first obtained,
His brother whom you equipped when he departed.

١٦. وَآخَرُ يَرجو مِنكَ ما نالَ قَبلَهُ
أَخوهُ الَّذي جَهَّزَتهُ فَهوَ نازِلُ

17. You brought together such fine qualities
All who gained the like bore heavy loads.

١٧. جَمَعتَ خِلالاً كُلُّ مَن نالَ مِثلَها
لحَمل الثِقالِ المُضِعاتِ حَمائِلُ

18. You made them into a herd, you sufficed for all,
Preserving them well though you carried the burden.

١٨. رَحُبتَ بِها سَرباً فَأَجزَأتَ كُلَّها
بِحِفظٍ فلَم يَفدَحكَ ما أَنتَ حامِلُ

19. In you, Ibn Layla, are honor and courage,
Wisdom weighty and deliberate.

١٩. وَفيكَ اِبنَ لَيلى عِزَّةٌ وَبَسالَةٌ
وَغَربٌ وَمَوزونٌ مِنَ الحِلمِ ثاقِلُ

20. You mended what you were entrusted with
Till it was repaired, loving kin and dear friend.

٢٠. أَبَأتَ الَّذي وُلّيتَ حَتّى رَأَبتَهُ
وَأَنتَ لِذي القُربى وَذي الوُدِّ واصِلُ

21. You refuse injustice everywhere,
Defending the weak, brandishing your sword.

٢١. وَإِنَّكَ تَأبى الضَيمَ في كُلِّ مَوطِنٍ
قَديماً وَأَنتَ الشَيظَمِيُّ الحُلاحِلُ

22. When men had need in any crisis
You helped them, giving your all, or standing aside.

٢٢. بَغاكُم رِجالٌ عِندَ كُلِّ مَلَمَّةٍ
مُعينٌ عَلَيكُم ما اِستَطاعَ وَخاذِلُ

23. You were a thorn, striking deep in the flanks
Of horses the young braves ride out on.

٢٣. فَما زِلتُمُ بِالناسِ حَتّى كَأَنَّهُم
مِنَ الخَوفِ طَيرٌ أَخذَأَتها الأَجاذِلُ

24. You were a blade that the burnishers made shine,
Your flashing taking souls like lamps leaping up

٢٤. طعانٌ يَفُضُّ الجُدلَ عَن آنُفِ الشَبا
وَضَربٌ بِبيضٍ أَخلَصَتها الصَياقِلُ

25. Or lightning dazzling sight.
When the enemy wore armor, their greaves

٢٥. لَوامِعَ يَخطِفنَ النُفوسَ كَأَنَّها
مَصابيحُ شَبَّت أَو بروقٌ عَوامِلُ

26. Clashed, but only the slit-eared camels remained.
Else death takes me, and death is sure,

٢٦. إِذا بَلَّت الخِرصان صاحَت كُعوبُها
فَلَم تَبقَ إِلّا المارِناتُ الذَوابِلُ

27. Its cords wound round me, its knots pulled tight.
I ready words for it, reciting poetry

٢٧. وَإِلّا يُعقِني المَوتُ وَالمَوتُ غالِبٌ
لَهُ شَرَكٌ مَبثوثَةٌ وَحَبائِلُ

28. When the tribes meet between the hills.
I venture out through mountain and valley

٢٨. أُحَبِّر لَهُ قَولاً تَناشَدُ شِعرَهُ
إِذا ما اِلتَقَت بَينَ الجِبالِ القَبائِلِ

29. When they are empty of one who pitches camp.
The traveling clans of Yahsub recite them,

٢٩. وَتَصدُر شَتّى مِن مَصَبٍّ وَمُصعِدٍ
إِذا ما خَلَت مِمَّن يَحُلُّ المَنازِلُ

30. Basra's tribes, and Tamim, and Wail's.
May he who is not my friend or critic

٣٠. يُغَنّي بِها الرُكبانُ مِن آلِ يَحصُبٍ
وَبَصرى وَتَرويهِ تَميمٌ وَوائِلُ

31. Of my poor praise be far from me.

٣١. وَأَلّا يَلي وُدّي وَلا حُسنِ مِدحَتي
دَنِيٌّ وَلا ذو خَصمَةٍ مُتَضائِلُ