1. Alas, goodbye to Layla's home as I depart,
And my friends bid me return on the morrow.
١. أَلا حَيِّيا لَيلى أَجَدَّ رَحيلي
وَآذَنَ أَصحابي غَداً بِقُفولِ
2. Layla appeared to test his patience,
And to stir up his longing after the visit.
٢. تَبَدَّت لَهُ لَيلى لِتَغلِبَ صَبرَهُ
وَهاجَتكَ أُمُّ الصَلتِ بَعدَ ذُهولِ
3. I wanted to forget the memory of her, but
Layla appears to me at every turn.
٣. أُريدُ لَأَنسى ذِكرَها فَكَأَنَّما
تَمَثَّلُ لي لَيلى بِكُلِّ سَبيلِ
4. When Layla is mentioned, tears cloud your eyes,
Flooding them after the visit.
٤. إِذا ذُكِرَت لَيلى تَغَشَّتكَ عَبرَةٌ
تُعَلُّ بِها العَينانِ بَعدَ نُهولِ
5. How many friends asked, "Why not ask for her hand?"
I said "Yes, Layla's love cuts deep in my heart."
٥. وَكَم مِن خَليلٍ قالَ لي لوسَأَلتَها
فَقُلتُ نَعَم لَيلى أَضَنُّ خَليلِ
6. I put him off, though he was close to attaining her,
And if asked properly, the worst petitioner.
٦. وَأَبعَدُهُ نيلاً وَأَوشَكُهُ قِلىً
وَإِن سُئِلَت عُرفاً فَشَرُّ مَسولِ
7. I swore by the Lord of the dancers heading to Mina,
Swaying their braids during the sacred months.
٧. حَلَفتُ بِرَبِّ الراقِصاتِ إِلى مُنىً
خِلالَ المَلا يَمدُدنَ كُلَّ جَديلِ
8. You see them vie in their finery
Swaying proudly, each a noble lady.
٨. تَراها وِفاقا بَينَهُنَّ تَفاوُتٌ
وَيَمدُدنَ بِالإِهلالِ كُلَّ أَصيلِ
9. Clambering from the valley's palm groves,
From al-‘Uzur and al-Khabt, homes of Tatfil.
٩. تَواهَقنَ بِالحُجّاجِ مَن بَطنِ نَخلَةٍ
وَمِن عَزوَرٍ وَالخَبتِ خَبتِ طَفيلِ
10. Crying out God's name in their sanctity,
Humbly beseeching God in each refrain.
١٠. بِكُلِّ حَرامٍ خاشِعٍ مُتَوَجِّهٍ
إِلى اللَهِ يَدعوهُ بِكُلِّ نَقيلِ
11. Urging on the camel litters around them,
Fearing that the simple camel drivers would stray.
١١. عَلى كُلِّ مِذعانِ الرَواحِ مُعيدَةٍ
وَمَخشِيَّةٍ أَلّا تُعيد هَزيلِ
12. Litters flanked by wild camels without harnesses,
Milling in chaos at al-Azma plain.
١٢. شَوامِذَ قَد أَرتَجنَ دون أَجِنَّةٍ
وَهوجٍ تَبارى في الأَزِمَّةِ حولِ
13. The oath of a lord made invincible by his clan,
Though his oath was baseless as all could tell.
١٣. يَمينَ اِمرِئٍ مُستَغلِظٍ بِأَلِيَّةٍ
لِيُكذِبَ قيلاً قَد أَلَحَّ بِقيلِ
14. Those spies have lied—I have not revealed
A word about Layla, nor sent them a message.
١٤. لَقَد كَذِبَ الواشونَ ما بُحتُ عِندَهُم
بِلَيلى وَلا أَرسَلتُهُم بِرَسيلِ
15. So if spies come to you, Layla, with a lie,
Consider it false, for they invent their tales.
١٥. فَإِن جاءَكِ الواشونَ عَنّي بِكِذبَةٍ
فَرَوها وَلَم يَأتوا لَها بِحَويلِ
16. Do not hastily assume, dear Layla,
That their advice came from goodwill or malice.
١٦. فَلا تَعجَلي يا لَيلَ أَن تَتَفَهَّمي
بِنُصحِ أَتى الواشونَ أَم بِحُبولِ
17. If you wish to give, then be generous,
For the best gift, O Layla, is one that abounds.
١٧. فَإِن طِبتِ نَفساً بَالعَطاءِ فَأَجزِلي
وَخَيرُ العَطايا لَيلَ كُلَّ جَزيلِ
18. If not, then be gracefully sparing with me,
For I love all traits of grace and beauty.
١٨. وَإِلّا فَإِجمالٌ إِلَيَّ فَإِنَّني
أُحِبُّ مِنَ الأَخلاقِ كُلَّ جَميلِ
19. If you would grant me a day's affection,
You would have settled the debt between us.
١٩. فَإِن تَبذُلي لِيَ مِنكِ يَوماً مَوَدَّةً
فَقِدماً صَنَعتِ القَرضَ عِندَ بَذولِ
20. But if you withhold yourself from me, Layla,
I will endure it with all patience.
٢٠. وَإِن تَبخَلي يا ليلَ عَنّي فَإِنَّني
تُوَكَّلُني نَفسي بِكُلِّ بَخيلِ
21. I cannot be satisfied with a miserly friend,
Or content if he is sparing and slight.
٢١. وَلَستُ بِراضٍ مِن خَليلي بِنائِلٍ
قَليلٍ وَلا راضٍ لَهُ بِقَليلِ
22. My friend is no fickle man, nor one
Who would sell me out should I absent myself.
٢٢. وَلَيسَ خَليلي بِالمَلولِ وَلا الَّذي
إِذا غبتُ عَنهُ باعَني بِخَليلِ
23. Rather my friend is he whose love endures
And keeps my secrets from every intruder.
٢٣. وَلَكِن خَليلي مَن يَدومُ وِصالُهُ
وَيَحفَظُ سِرّي عِندَ كُلِّ دَخيلِ
24. I have never attained anything I hoped for from Layla—
So I often seek what I cannot attain.
٢٤. وَلَم أَرَ مِن لَيلى نَوالاً أَعُدُّهُ
أَلا رُبَّما طالَبتُ غَيرَ مُنيلِ
25. You blame me, yet your reason knows
I have acted as a man with Layla.
٢٥. يَلومُكَ في لَيلى وَعَقلُكَ عِندَها
رِجالٌ وَلَم تَذهَب لَهُم بِعُقولِ
26. They say "Forget Layla! Do not fret
For one who cuts suitors off without cause."
٢٦. يَقولونَ وَدِّع عَنك لَيلى وَلا تَهم
بِقاطِعَةِ الأَقرانِ ذاتِ حَليلِ
27. But I pay their advice no heed,
Nor provoke me to fury with their words.
٢٧. فَما نَقَعَت نَفسي بِما أَمَروا بِهِ
وَلا عِجتُ مِن أَقوالِهِم بِفَتيلِ
28. I remembered ladies whose prideful words
Were loving and gentle and sweetly received,
٢٨. تَذَكَّرتُ أَتراباً لِعَزَّةَ كَالمَها
حُبينَ بِليطٍ ناعِمٍ وَقَبولُ
29. And when I met them I felt my reason
Was a captive, intoxicated and engulfed.
٢٩. وَكُنتُ إِذا لاقَيتُهُنَّ كَأَنَّني
مُخالِطَةٌ عَقلي سُلافُ شَمولِ
30. They enchanted me until I said
"They cannot decline to answer my hopes."
٣٠. تَأَطَّرنَ حَتّى قُلتُ لَسنَ بَوارِحاً
رَجاءَ الأَماني أَن يَقِلنَ مَقيلي
31. But they frowned at me disapprovingly from among them
And disappointed my hopes though I expected acceptance.
٣١. فَأَبدَينَ لي مِن بَينِهِنَّ تَجَهُّماً
وَأَخلَفنَ ظَنّي إِذ ظَنَنتُ وَقيلي
32. Alas! Alas for what Lubbana's
Have vacated of homes after so long!
٣٢. فَلَأياً بِلَأيٍ ما قَضَينَ لُبانَة
مَنَ الدارِ وَاِستَقلَلنَ بَعدَ طَويلِ
33. When my companion saw our separation was certain
He called out: "O Habtar son of Saloul!"
٣٣. فَلَمّا رَأى وَاِستَيقَنَ البَينَ صاحِبي
دَعا دَعوَةً يا حَبتَرَ بنَ سَلولِ
34. And I whispered my regret: "Would that
I were a shameless man swallowing every insult!"
٣٤. فَقُلتُ وَأَسرَرتُ النَدامَةَ لَيتَني
وَكُنتُ اِمرِءاً أَغتَشُّ كُلَّ عَذولِ
35. On an evening I walked the path
Of a fleeing beast or a path walked by none.
٣٥. سَلَكتُ سَبيلَ الرَئِحاتِ عَشِيَّةً
مَخارِمَ نِصعٍ أَو سَلَكنَ سَبيلي
36. And so I indulged the love before witnessing
Any estrangement that later came between us.
٣٦. فَأَسعَدتُ نَفساً بِالهَوى قَبلَ أَن أَرى
عَوادي نَأيٍ بَينَنا وَشُغولِ
37. I regret what has slipped away—would that
They could look upon my anguished cries!
٣٧. نَدِمتُ عَلى ما فاتَني يَومَ بنتُمُ
فَيا حَسرَتا أَلّا يَرَينَ عَويلي
38. As if the tears of my eyes and the dissolving of my kidneys
Were a West Sahara downpour on a gloomy day,
٣٨. كَأَنَّ دُموعَ العَينِ واهِيَةُ الكُلى
وَعَت ماءَ غَربٍ يَومَ ذاكَ سَجيلِ
39. Pelted by ragged clouds unthreading their pearls
Letting them scatter with no attempt to gather.
٣٩. تَكَنَّفَها خُرقٌ تَواكَلنَ خَرزَها
فَأَرخَينَهُ وَالسَيرُ غَيرُ بَجيلِ
40. Stay! For the homes are desolate without you
Even when others move in lacking in grace.
٤٠. أَقيمي فَإِنَّ الغَورَ يا عَزَّ بَعدَكُم
إِلَيَّ إِذا ما بِنتِ غَيرُ جَميلِ
41. Sorrow enough for the eye that its glance saw
The place of pride display departure's likeness.
٤١. كَفى حَزناً لِلعَينِ أَن راءَ طَرفُها
لِعَزَّةَ عَيراً آذَنَت بِرَحيلِ
42. And they said "Choose between patience and weeping!"
And I said "Weeping relieves when one is distraught."
٤٢. وَقالوا نَأَت فَاِختَر مِنَ الصَبرِ وَالبُكا
فَقُلتُ البُكا أَشفى إِذاً لِغَليلي
43. So I departed in withdrawal and said to my friend
"Would that bloodshed rather than words had slain Layla for me!"
٤٣. فَوَلَّيتُ مَخزوناً وَقُلتُ لِصاحِبي
أَقاتِلَتي لَيلى بِغَيرِ قَتيلِ
44. Since the place was desolated of inhabitants
And after their long stay
٤٤. لِعَزَّةَ إِذ يَحتَلُّ بِالخَيفِ أَهلُها
فَأَوحَشَ مِنها الخَيفُ بَعدَ حُلولِ
45. It changed: the wavering specters of nightfall
Taking the place of Layla's vanishing form.
٤٥. وَبَدَّلَ مِنها بَعدَ طولِ إِقامَةٍ
تَبَعُّثُ نَكباءِ العَشِيِّ جَفولِ
46. Indeed those spies have multiplied against us and you,
Swaying our people completely to their side.
٤٦. لَقَد أَكثَرَ الواشونَ فينا وَفيكُمُ
وَمالَ بِنا الواشونَ كُلَّ مَميلِ
47. Yet never since the day I drank from Layla's cup
Have I been barred from her side each road I take.
٤٧. وَما زِلتُ مِن لَيلى لَدُن طَرَّ شارِبي
إِلى اليَومِ كَالمُقصى بِكُلِّ سَبيلِ