
Another lightning flashed at the end of night

أشاقك برق آخر الليل خافق

1. Another lightning flashed at the end of night,
Flowing from its brightness a clear rain between lightings.

١. أَشاقَكَ بَرقٌ آخِرَ اللَيلِ خافِقُ
جَرى مِن سَناهُ بَينَةٌ فَالأَبارِقُ

2. I waited for it until its water rose high on the horizon,
And, because of much rain, rivulets flowed from it.

٢. قَعَدتُ لَهُ حتىعَلا الأَفقَ ماؤُهُ
وَسالَ بِفَعمِ الوَبلِ مِنهُ الدَوافِقُ

3. It waters delicate plants and adorns them
With dew and nights, after that, are long.

٣. يُرَشِّحُ نَبتاً ناعِماً وَيَزينُهُ
نَدىً وَلَيالٍ بَعدَ ذاكَ طَوالِقُ

4. How can you wish for them without their land?
Tall mountains, those towering heights.

٤. وَكَيفَ تُرَجّيها وَمِن دونِ أَرضِها
جِبالُ الرُبا تِلكَ الطِوالُ البَواسِقُ

5. Its high places and corners from which
Separating from packs of sheep are dear to me.

٥. حَواجِرُها العُليا وَأَركانُها الَّتي
بِها مِن مَغافيرِ العِنازِ أَفارِقُ

6. You are the beloved, O Umm ‘Amr, if only
We could attain you or your tents draw nearer.

٦. وَأَنتِ المُنى يا أُمَّ عَمرٍو لَو أَنَّنا
نَنالُكِ أَو تُدني نَواكِ الصَفائِقُ

7. I would be free of cares and gone from me
Would be fantasies of the beloved disturbing my heart.

٧. لَأَصبَحتُ خِلواً مِن هُمومٍ وَما سَرَت
عَلَيَّ خَيالاتُ الحَبيبِ الطَوارِقُ

8. With flowering plants as though their buddings
Are their brilliant chambers when they come into view.

٨. بِذي زَهرٍ غَضٍّ كَأَنَّ تِلاعَهُ
إِذا أَشرَفَت حَجراتُهُنَّ النَمارِقُ

9. When she comes out from her house, her eye is guarded,
Protected - carnelians have fascinated her.

٩. إِذا خَرَجَت مِن بَيتِها راق عَينَها
مُعَوَّذُهُ وَأَعجَبَتها العَقائِقُ

10. I swear by the Lord of the two places on an evening
When torrents down a hollow are below them and meadow saffrons.

١٠. حَلَفتُ بِرَبِّ الموضِعين عَشِيَّةً
وَغيطانُ فَلجٍ دونَهُم وَالشَقائِقُ

11. In the morning they rouse red proboscises as though they are
Thrusting them with half a lote tree from among the thickerets.

١١. يَحُثّونَ صُبحَ الحُمرِ خوصاً كَأَنَّها
بِنَخلَةَ مِن دونِ الوَحيفِ المَطارِقُ

12. When the one giving tidings startles them, they bustle hastily
Like swords unsheathed that slash and cut.

١٢. سِراعٌ إِذا الحادي زَقاهنَّ زَقيَةً
جَنَحنَ كَما اِستُلَّت سُيوفٌ ذَوالِقُ

13. When blustering cold makes them circle about and turn away
Refusing, no first one can prevail against them.

١٣. إِذا قَرَّطوهُنَّ الأَزِمَّةَ وَاِرتَدوا
أَبَينَ فَلَم يَقدِر عَلَيهِنَّ سابِقُ

14. When the travelling party decides to depart and summits
Of wave-like dunes and deep hollows appear to them.

١٤. إِذا عَزَمَ الرَكبُ الرَحيلَ وَأَشرَفَت
لَهُنَّ الفَيافي وَالفِجاجُ الفَياهِقُ

15. On every crag as though its late stragglers
Are a monastery when the party moves on.

١٥. عَلى كُلِّ حُرجوجٍ كَأَنَّ شَليلَها
رَواقٌ إِذا ما هَجَر الرَكبُ خافِقُ

16. Indeed, Umm ‘Amr met us with truthfulness
Out of nobility of nature or creations restricted her.

١٦. لَقَد لَقِيَتنا أُمُّ عَمرٍو بِصادِقٍ
مِنَ الصَرمِ أَو ضاقَت عَلَيهِ الخَلائِقُ

17. Only a small band of them when the travellers prepared
And birds in the bushes burst into speech.

١٧. سِوى ذِكرَةٍ مِنها إِذا الرَكبُ عَرَّسوا
وَهَبَّت عَصافيرُ الصَريمِ النَواطِقُ

18. Why did you not ask, O Umm ‘Amr, and be informed?
Greetings – may the clouds water you with heavy rains.

١٨. أَلَم تَسأَلي يا أُمَّ عَمرٍو فَتُخبَري
سَلِمتِ وَأَسقاكِ السَحابُ البَوارِقُ

19. Silent because of the voice of thunder but fragments
Of bleating and braying – no loud noises for them were heard.

١٩. بَكِيّاً لِصَوتِ الرَعدِ خُرسٌ رَوائِحَ
وَنَعقٍ وَلَم يُسمَع لَهُنَّ صَواعِقُ