
For the honor of the days of him of the branch, desires have stirred me

لعزة من أيام ذي الغصن هاجني

1. For the honor of the days of him of the branch, desires have stirred me,
The traces of the two gardens' decision trouble me,

١. لِعَزَّةَ مِن أَيّامِ ذي الغُصنِ هاجَني
بَضاحي قَرارِ الرَوضَتَينِ رُسومُ

2. So a garden of cups excites me to tears,
While the gardens of my life with them is an old pact,

٢. فَروضَةُ أَلجامٍ تَهيجُ لِيَ البُكا
وَرَوضاتُ شوطىعَهدُهُنَّ قَديمُ

3. It is a house made desolate but a generous soul may settle it
And sing of it, over me being so noble,

٣. هِيَ الدارُ وَحشاً غَيرَ أَن قَد يَحِلُّها
وَيَغنى بِها شَخصٌ عَلَيَّ كَريمُ

4. So I had no knowledge of the house's yards,
Nor did I rave about the singing girls,

٤. فَما بِرِباعِ الدارِ أَن كُنتُ عالِماً
وَلا بِمَحَلِّ الغانِياتِ أَهيمُ

5. I asked a wise man where the loved ones had gone
And he told me what I do not like, O wise one!

٥. سَأَلتُ حَكيماً أَينَ صارَت بِها النَوى
فَخَبَّرَني ما لا أُحِبُّ حَكيمُ

6. They went travelling, and the family of Honour left at dawn
And stayed away, while the middle folk remained,

٦. أَجَدّوا فَأَمّا آلُ عَزَّةَ غَدوَةً
فَبانوا وَأَمّا واسِطٌ فَمُقيمُ

7. They left for the loved ones - may Allah not bless the loved ones!
And the pact with loved ones is despicable to a lover,

٧. فَمَضا لِلنَوى لا بارَكَ اللَهُ في النَوى
وَعَهدُ النَوى عِندَ المُحِبِّ ذَميمُ

8. By my life, if the heart suffers lovesickness for the loved ones,
Then I indeed am sick,

٨. لَعَمري لَئِن كانَ الفُؤادُ مِنَ النَوى
بَغى سَقَماً إِنّي إِذَن لَسَقيمُ

9. So if you see me today showing patience,
Still, by my life, under that I am submissive,

٩. فَإِمّا تَرَيني اليَومَ أُبدي جَلادَةً
فَإِنّي لَعَمري تحتَ ذاكَ كَليمُ

10. And my misery was not voluntary but time,
Boding ill to good men, took it away.

١٠. وَما ظَعَنَت طَوعاً وَلَكِن أَزالَها
زَمانٌ نَبا بِالصالِحينَ مَشومُ

11. So pity me when the middle folk split up
And those I rave about and pine for;

١١. فَواحَزنا لَمّا تَفَرَّقَ واسِطٌ
وَأَهلُ الَّتي أَهذي بِها وَأَحومُ

12. And speech told me - woe to you - she belongs
In truth, O Kuthayyir, to another that you rave about!

١٢. وَقالَ لِيَ البَلاغُ وَيحَكَ إِنَّها
بِغَيرِكَ حَقّاً يا كَثيرُ تَهيمُ

13. Do you dare when the one you equal
In eternity among lovers has grown feeble?

١٣. أَتَشخَصُ والشخص الَّذي أَنتَ عادِلُ
بِهِ الخُلدَ بِينَ العائِداتِ سَقيمُ

14. She reminds me, every sick wind
That blows on the high, crumbling ruins, has a gentle breeze,

١٤. يُذَكِّرُنيها كُلُّ ريحٍ مَريضَةٍ
لَها بِالتِلاعِ القاوِياتِ نَسيمُ

15. The years gone by pass without my seeing
In the palm trees' courtyard their long-gone traces.

١٥. تَمُرُّ السُنونَ الماضِياتُ وَلا أَرى
بِصَحنِ الشَبا أَطلالَهُنَّ تَريمُ

16. Nor am I, for you, Umayma's daughter, a avenger of wrongs -
Truly then I am unjust!

١٦. وَلَستُ اِبنَةَ الضَمرِيِّ مِنكَ بِناقِمٍ
ذُنوبَ العِدى إِنّي إِذَن لَظَلومُ

17. But I have a passion - if her favours return
Then truly to my Lord I am generous!

١٧. وَإِنّي لَذو وَجدٍ لَئِن عادَ وَصلُها
وَإِنّي عَلى رَبّي إِذَن لَكَريمُ

18. When a cloud lightens in Buwaib's direction
May showers from it not dry up for your eyes,

١٨. إِذا بَرَقَت نَحوَ البُوَيبِ سَحابَةٌ
لِعَينَيكَ مِنها لا تَجِفُّ سُجومُ

19. I am not averse when a cloud heads for Egypt
And even if distant, still I sit keening,

١٩. وَلَستُ بِراءٍ نَحوَ مِصرَ سَحابَةً
وَإِن بَعُدَت إِلّا قَعَدتُ أَشيمُ

20. So the base outcast may refrain from love
In disdain, while the noble man raves on,

٢٠. فَقَد يوجَدُ النَكسُ الدَنِيُّ عَنِ الهَوى
عَزوفاً وَيَصبو المَرءُ وَهوَ كَريمُ

21. My friend said, 'Why did gloom cover her face
When she met you in morning's first light?'

٢١. وَقالَ خَليلي ما لَها إِذ لَقيتَها
غَداةَ الشَبا فيها عَلَيكَ وُجومُ

22. I said, 'Love between us is unsullied
And our close friendship is of old.'

٢٢. فَقُلتُ لَهُ إِنَّ المَوَدَّةَ بَينَنا
عَلى غَيرِ فحشٍ وَالصَفاءُ قَديمُ

23. Though I turned from her, exerting myself
To keep our pact, still I remained loyal,

٢٣. وَإِنّي وَإِن أَعرَضتُ عَنها تَجَلُّداً
عَلى العَهدِ فيما بَينَنا لَمُقيمُ

24. Time has separated us - time's caprice bodes ill,
And between you and I it is inauspicious,

٢٤. وَإِنَّ زَماناً فَرَّقَ الدَهرَ بَينَنا
وَبَينَكُم في صَرفِهِ لَمَشومُ

25. If this faith of yours is secure
And my heart for love of you is sick,

٢٥. أَفي الدَينِ هَذا إِنَّ قَلبَك سالِمٌ
صَحيحٌ وَقَلبي مِن هَواكِ سَقيمُ

26. In my heart I have a lingering sickness from you
While your heart has safety from what is in me,

٢٦. وَإِنَّ بِجَوفي مِنكِ داءٌ مُخامِراً
وَجَوفُكِ مِمّا بي عَلَيك سَليمُ

27. By your life, you did not do justice to my love!
But still, O Pride, I am forbearing to you.

٢٧. لَعَمرُكِ ما أَنصَفتِني في مَوَدَّتي
وَلَكِنَّني يا عَزُّ عَنكِ حَليمُ

28. My body's blood be upon me if love for her
In avoidance or length of time should become frail!

٢٨. عَلَيَّ دِماءُ البُدنِ إِن كانَ حُبُّها
عَلى النَأيِ أَو طولَ الزَمانِ يَريمُ

29. I swear I have not replaced your sweet company since,
Nor for you in my heart found any partner.

٢٩. وَأُقسِمُ ما اِستَبدَلتُ بَعدَكِ خُلَّةً
وَلا لَكِ عِندي في الفُؤادِ قَسيمُ