
A weeping Saib cried when he saw the sand dunes of Alej

بكى سائب لما رأى رمل عالج

1. A weeping Saib cried when he saw the sand dunes of Alej,
He came to them while the depression was a depression of elevated ground.

١. بَكى سائِبٌ لَمّا رَأى رَملَ عالِجٍ
أَتى دونَهُ وَالهَضبُ هَضبُ مُتالِعِ

2. He cried as much as the oblivion of tears cried
when we crossed the excellent, original compositions.

٢. بَكى أَنَّهُ سَهوُ الدُموعِ كَما بَكى
عَشِيَّةَ جاوَزنا نِجادَ البَدائِعِ

3. I wish you good while you spurn me,
Like Kaab the son of Amr due to the difference in occupations.

٣. أَوَدُّ لَكُم خَيراً وَتَطَّرِحونَني
أَكَعبَ بنَ عَمرٍو لِاِختِلافِ الصَنائِعِ

4. And how can you have a sound, calm chest while you
are rough mannered, curved-ribbed.

٤. وَكَيفَ لَكُم صَدري سَليمٌ وَأَنتُمُ
عَلى حَسَكِ الشَحناءِ حَنوُ الأَضالِعِ

5. I am cautious that you meet rejection and your riding beast
is submissive, trying to trick me into the wrestling arena.

٥. أُحاذِرُ أَن تَلقوا رَدىً وَمَطِيَّكُم
خَواضِعُ تَبغيني حِمامَ المَصارِعِ

6. In any case, you have tested my nature
in poverty from me and successive wealth.

٦. عَلى كُلِّ حالٍ قَد بَلَوتُم خَليقَتي
عَلى الفَقرِ مِنّي وَالغِنى المُتَتابِعِ

7. I was wealthy and did not repel you when requesting,
and I became sick and did not pinch you with my fingers.

٧. غَنيتُ فَلَم أَردُدكُمُ عِندَ بُغيَةٍ
وَجُعتُ فَلَم أَكدُدكُمُ بِالأَصابِعِ

8. When my money decreases my honor increases
and I do not chase after minute interests.

٨. إِذا قَلَّ مالي زادَ عِرضي كَرامَةً
عَلَيَّ وَلَم أَتبَع دَقيقَ المَطامِعِ

9. And I am forebearing and waiting for you
despite lapses from you and succession.

٩. وَإِنّي لَمُستَأنٍ وَمُنتَظِرٌ بِكُم
عَلى هَفَواتٍ فيكُمُ وَتَتايُعِ

10. And some loyalties should be avoided to ward off
them like the necks of crawling, winding snakes should be avoided.

١٠. وَبَعضُ المَوالي تُتَّقى دَرَءاتُهُ
كَما تُتَّقى روسُ الأَفاعي الأَضالِعِ

11. He who harbored enmity from them obstructed
smooth friendship like fog obstructs elevated places.

١١. وَمُحتَرِشٍ ضَبَّ العَداوَةِ مِنهُمُ
بِحُلوِ الخَلا حَرشَ الضِبابِ الخَوادِعِ