
And we shall return, O our master, and master of all

ونعود سيدنا وسيد غيرنا

1. And we shall return, O our master, and master of all
Would that lamenting could restore the departed

١. وَنَعودُ سَيِّدَنا وَسَيِّدَ غَيرِنا
لَيتَ التَشَكِّيَ كانَ بِالعُوّادِ

2. Had it been possible to offer my soul as ransom, I would have redeemed him
With the Most Chosen of my people and possessions

٢. لَو كانَ يَقبَلُ فِديَةً لَفَديتُهُ
بالمُصطَفى مِن طارِفي وَتِلادي