
Whether Salma aroused you, or the early dawn of her abode hastened,

أهاجتك سلمى أم أجد بكورها

1. Whether Salma aroused you, or the early dawn of her abode hastened,
And she circled Antioch with steps of partridges.

١. أَهاجَتكَ سَلمى أَم أَجَدَّ بُكورُها
وَحُفَّت بِأَنطاكِيّ رَقمٍ خُدورُها

2. Over those emigrating at night her danger subsided,
And she surrendered them to the restless hyenas.

٢. عَلى هاجِراتِ الشَولِ قَد خَفَّ خَطرُها
وَأَسلَمَها لِلظاعِناتِ جُفورُها

3. Morning drinkers from the bosom of my embrace,
Evening quarry of the two hugging sides.

٣. قَوارِضُ حَضنَيْ بَطنِ يَنبُعَ غُدوَةً
قَواصِدُ شَرقِيِّ العَناقينِ عيرُها

4. On a hillock, pacing about the land, their burdens confined, their homes clustered,
Brooks at the top of Dhat al-Balid as though it were

٤. عَلى جِلَّةٍ كَالهَضبِ تَختالُ في البُرى
فَأَحمالُها مَقصورَةٌ وَكؤورُها

5. A date palm hanging over with its ripe dates.
From much riding, watering from the shoulder of an eminent she-camel, collected for watering and gathering for the watering places its water skin.

٥. بُروكٌ بِأَعلى ذي البُلَيدِ كَأَنَّها
صَريمَةُ نخلٍ مُغطَئِلٌّ شَكيرُها

6. She traveled at night and her abode was independent,
Her caravan passed with portions of the night.

٦. مِنَ الغُلبِ مِن عِضدانِ هامَةَ شُرِّبَت
لِسَقيٍ وَجَمَّت لِلنَواضِحِ بيرُها

7. Her chastity appeared in the evening between us,
And the screens between us were uncovered.

٧. غَدَت أُمُّ عَمرو وَاِستَقَلَّت خُدورُها
وَزالَت بِأَسدافٍ مِنَ اللَيلِ عيرُها

8. With a neck like the neck of the curving sand grouse its plumage adorns it,
The braids of the relaxed pleats portray it.

٨. تَبَدَّت فَصادَتهُ عَشِيَّةَ بَينِها
وَقَد كُشِفَت مِنها لِبَينٍ سُتورُها

9. The hem of her gown dirtied with sand
From a hill whose accumulated dust colored it.

٩. بِجيدٍ كَجيدِ الرِئمِ حالٍ تزينُهُ
غَدائِرُ مُستَرخي العِقاصِ يَصورُها

10. She hastened from the southern parts of Kinanah
To Wajmah, when its heated sands burned.

١٠. تَلوثُ إِزارَ الخَزِّ مِنها بِرَملَةٍ
رَداحٍ كَساها هائِلَ التُربِ مورُها

11. And she passed by Tagwa with young she-camels as though they were
Ships sailing smoothly on the sea.

١١. أَجَدَّت خُفوفاً مِن جَنوبِ كُنانَةٍ
إِلى وَجمَةٍ لَمّا اِسجَهَرَّت حَرورُها

12. Or cattle from Wadi Ghiran taking the air
For whom the wind built a lofty and ruined abode.

١٢. وَمَرَّت عَلى التَقوى بِهِنَّ كَأَنَّها
سَفائِنُ بحرٍ طابَ فيها مَسيرُها

13. I looked and the Camels of Balaqith prevented them
And the bellies of Wadi Biramah and its hills.

١٣. أَو الدَومُ مِن وادي غُرانَ تَرَوَّحَت
لَهُ الريحُ قَصراً شَمأَلٌ وَدَبورُها

14. To mounts with branded forelocks, branded as was done for Mayasir,
Their successive brands gashed their breasts.

١٤. نَظَرتُ وَقَد حالَت بَلاكِثُ دونَهُم
وَبُطنانُ وادي بِرمَةٍ وَظهورُها

15. Over them were docile camels from Dibab, their necks oscillating,
The girths of their saddles rubbing their backs.

١٥. إِلى ظُعنٍ بِالنَعفِ نَعفِ مَياسِرٍ
حَدَتها تَواليها وَمارَت صُدورُها

16. So when they reached the destination between Ghayqah
And Yalayl, they turned aside and spread out their breasts.

١٦. عَلَيهِنَّ لُعسٌ مِن ظِباء تَبالَةٍ
مُذَبذَبَةُ الخِرصانِ بادٍ نُحورُها

17. And I followed them with my eyes until I saw them
Approach Fayruz and al-Qanan and visit it.

١٧. فَلَمّا بَلَغنَ المُنتَضى بَينَ غَيقَةٍ
وَيَليَلَ مالَت فَاِحزَأَلَّت صُدورُها

18. And I continued to shed tears and my companion did not cease
Weeping for your love until it distressed my conscience.

١٨. وَأَتبَعتُها عَينَيَّ حَتّى رَأَيتُها
أَلَمَّت بِفِعرى وَالقَنانِ تَزورُها

19. For I and my meditation on the distant love
And mountains being pastured around us and their clefts.

١٩. وَمازِلتُ أَستَدمي وَما طَرَّ شارِبي
وِصالَكِ حَتّى ضَرَّ نَفسي ضَميرُها

20. And hands of Saba like fawns stretched over the departed
Their forearms white without bracelets.

٢٠. فَإِنّي وَتَأميلي عَلى النَأيِ وَصلَها
وَأَجبالُ تُرعى دونَنا وَثَبيرُها

21. I imagined myself in the land of Ibn Layla,
Spacious though desolate its abandoned encampment.

٢١. وَعَنَّ لَنا بِالجِزعِ فَوقَ فُراقِدٍ
أَيادي سَبا كَالسَحلِ بيضاً سُفورُها

22. So if I gathered the skirts of my mount it would alarm me
at the desolate encampments of Hulwan and their deserted homes.

٢٢. نَشيمُ عَلى أَرضِ اِبنِ لَيلى مَخيلَةً
عَريضاً سَناها مُكرَهِفّاً صَبيرُها

23. I say when the birds pass in fright,
their wings fluttering without my stirring them.

٢٣. فَأَصبَحتُ لَو أَلمَمتُ بِالحَوفِ شاقَني
مَنازِلُ مِن حُلوانَ وَحشٌ قُصورُها

24. May your daughters ransom you Ibn Layla - the misfortunes have rendered my she-camel infirm,
and whoever was riding her, man or jinn, and his home.

٢٤. أَقولُ إِذا ما الطَيرُ مَرَّت مُخيفَةً
سوانِحُها تَجري وَلا أَستَثيرُها

25. The daughter of al-Bakri said the day she met me,
By your life, the world and all its tumult is a delusion.

٢٥. فَدَتكَ اِبنَ لَيلى ناقَتي حَدَثَ الرَدى
وَراكِبُها إِن كانَ كونٌ وَكورُها

26. You would have been humbled by the blows of fate and battered,
Excellent - the hair of the head perishes and is little.

٢٦. تَقولُ اِبنَةُ البَكريِّ يَومَ لَقيتُها
لَعَمرُكَ وَالدُنيا مَتينٌ غُرورُها

27. The cords of Salma's litter and the youth which passed away -
The death of Ibn Layla when its news reached you.

٢٧. لَأَصبَحتَ هَدَّتكَ الحَوادِثُ هَدَّةً
نَعَم فَشَواةُ الرَأسِ بادٍ قَتيرُها

28. If the days of Ibn Layla preceded me,
And my years were long after him and his months.

٢٨. وَأَسلاكَ سَلمى وَالشَبابَ الَّذي مَضى
وَفاةُ اِبنِ لَيلى إِذ أَتاكَ خَبيرُها

29. Then surely I will come to his grave, resigned,
Though a dug pit will not speak to its visitor.

٢٩. فَإِن تَكُ أَيّامُ اِبنِ لَيلى سَبَقنَني
وَطالَت سِنِيَّ بَعدَهُ وَشُهورُها

30. Nor were my companionship with Abdulaziz and my praise of him,
With borrowed phrases tossed back by the one who borrows them.

٣٠. فَإِنّي لَآتٍ قَبرَهُ فَمُسَلَّمٌ
وَإِن لَم تُكَلِّم حُفرَةٌ مَن يَزورُها

31. I witnessed Ibn Layla in critical situations
Where wisdom increases the wise man's wisdom through their gravity.

٣١. وَما صُحبَتي عَبدَ العَزيزِ وَمِدحَتي
بِعارِيَةٍ يَرتَدُّها مَن يُعيرُها

32. You would see the people hiding their smiles in his presence,
And the shame of frivolous talk warns them of it.

٣٢. شَهِدتُ اِبنَ لَيلى في مَواطِنَ جَمَّةٍ
يَزيدُ بِها ذا الحلمِ حِلماً حُضورُها

33. So neither the aloof words attract him,
Nor the sincere counsel, however far its implication.

٣٣. تَرى القَومَ يُخفونَ التَبَسُّمَ عِندَهُ
وَيُنذِرهُم عورَ الكَلامِ نَذيرُها

34. And I will not forget him though the sands separate us
As the winds blow over the earth and its clefts gape.

٣٤. فَلا هاجِراتُ القَولِ يُؤثِرنَ عندَهُ
وَلا كَلِماتُ النُصحِ مُقصىً مُشيرُها

35. My life remains as long as the east wind blows
At Baram, though it does not drive the rocks.

٣٥. فَلَستُ بِناسيهِ وَإِن حيلَ دونَهُ
وَجالَ بِأَحوازِ الصَحاصِحِ مورُها

36. But the sincerity of love, however the north blows,
And it has not ceased to be decisive in its gravity.

٣٦. وَإِن طُوِيَت من دونِهِ الأَرضُ وَاِنبَرى
لَنُكبِ الرِياحِ وَفيُها وَحَفيرُها

٣٧. حَياتِيَ ما دامَت بِشَرقِيِّ يَلبَنٍ
بَرامٌ وَأَضحَت لَم تُسَيَّر صُخورُها

٣٨. وَلَكِن صَفاءُ الوِدِّ ما هَبَّتِ الصَبا
وَما لَم تَزَل حِسمى رُباها وَقورُها