
A lament by Khuja'j and Malik

أصادرة حجاج كعب ومالك

1. A lament by Khuja'j and Malik
For every emaciated camel, complaining of hunger,

١. أَصادِرَةٌ حُجّاجُ كَعبٍ وَمالِكٍ
عَلى كُلِّ عَجلى ضامِرٍ البَطنِ مُحنِقِ

2. With an elegy in it is effusive praise
For the most beautiful of Murra's sons, well-groomed,

٢. بِمَرثِيَةٍ فيها ثَناءٌ مُحَبَّرٌ
لأزهَرَ مِن أَولادِ مُرَّةَ مُعرِقِ

3. As if his brother in adversity takes refuge
In a banner from the pillar of the sacred sanctuary,

٣. كَأَنَّ أَخاهُ في النَوائِبِ مُلجَأَ
إِلى عَلَمٍ مِن رُكنِ قُدسِ المُنَطَّقِ

4. Benefiting men though far removed
Like a pendant jewel suspended aloft,

٤. يَنالُ رِجالاً نَفعُهُ وَهوَ مِنهُمُ
بَعيدٌ كَعَيّوقِ الثُرَيّا المُعلَّقِ

5. The daughter of Dhamra says “Why are you wan
Your colour sallow, though you are not in disguise?”

٥. تَقولُ اِبنَةُ الضَمرِيِّ ما لَكَ شاحِباً
وَلَونُكَ مُصفَرٌ وَإِن لَم تَخَلَّقِ

6. I said “Do not wonder that he who loses
A brother like Abu Badr pines for him and grieves,

٦. فَقُلتُ لَها لا تَعجَبي مَن يَمُت لَهُ
أَخٌ كَأَبي بَدرٍ وَجَدّكِ يُشفَقِ

7. And something that concerns all people, obscure is its yield,
Enough! A pressing care weighs on the summits.

٧. وَأَمرٍ يُهِمُّ الناسَ غِبُّ نِتاجِهِ
كَفَيتَ وَكَربٍ بِالدَواهي مُطَرِّقِ

8. You exposed Abu Badr when the people held back
And the chiefs of glory frowned with vexation,

٨. كَشَفتَ أَبا بَدرٍ إِذا القَومُ أَحجَموا
وَغَضَّت مَلاقي مَرهِم بِالمُخَنَّقِ

9. And an adversary more tenacious than Abu Badr
In clinging to his purpose, like crumbling cinder.

٩. وَخَصمٍ أَبا بَدرٍ أَلَدَّ أَبَتَّهُ
عَلى مِثلِ طَعمِ الحَنظَلِ المُتَفَلِّقِ

10. May God reward with good a trench against a like foe
And a friend of probity, protective and trusted,

١٠. جَزى اللَهُ خَيراً خِندِقاً مِن مَكافِئ
وَصاحِبِ صِدقٍ ذي حِفاظٍ وَمِصدَقِ

11. Who established the channel of love between me and him
And left me true to a pact I never betrayed.

١١. أَقامَ قَناةَ الوُدِّ بَيني وَبَينَهُ
وَفارِقَني عَن شيمَةٍ لَم تُرَنَّقِ

12. I swore that a pit in Kanun's belly would hide you
If we lived, that we might meet again,

١٢. حَلَفتُ عَلى أَن قَد أَجَنَّتكَ حُفرَةٌ
بِبَطنِ قَنَونا لَو نَعيشُ فَنَلتَقي

13. I would find you loving me still, as of old
If we kept our vow, and did not part.

١٣. لَأَلفَيتَني بِالوُدِّ بَعدَكَ دائِماً
عَلى عَهدِنا إِذا نَحنُ لَم نَتَفَرَّقِ

14. When glory and fame stir at dawn
I scent it like a sprig of baban, crisp and fresh,

١٤. إِذا ما غَدا يَهتَزُّ لِلمَجدِ وَالنَدى
أَشَمُّ كَغُصنِ البانَةِ المُتَوَرِّقِ

15. And I boast of that which was between us,
O Bani Asad, Murra's clan and Khandiq.

١٥. وَإِنّي لِجازٍ بِالَّذي كانَ بَينَنا
بَني أَسَدٍ رَهطَ اِبنِ مُرَّةَ خِندِقِ