
The Commander of the Faithful will come with

سيأتي أمير المؤمنين ودونه

1. The Commander of the Faithful will come with
Crowds whose determination and sorrow are evident

١. سَيَأتي أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ وَدونَهُ
جَماهيرُ حِسمى قورُها وَحُزونُها

2. My echoes respond to every poem
That I dedicate to one who does not disgrace it

٢. تَجاوُبُ أَصدائي بِكُلِّ قَصيدَةٍ
مِنَ الشِعرِ مُهداةٍ لِمَن لا يُهينُها

3. I exalt the family of Marwan in it, for they
When the fear of a slave of the sun spread, their fortresses protected it

٣. أُفَخِّمُ فيها آلَ مَروانَ إِنَّهُم
إِذاعَمَّ خوفُ عَبدِ شَمسٍ حُصونُها

4. Lions in the valleys of fervent zeal, vigilant
Protecting their cubs from the mountains' peaks

٤. أُسودٌ بَوادي ذي حَماسٍ خَوادِرٌ
حَوانٍ عَلى الأَشبالِ محمىً عَرينها

5. When they sought the highest virtues, they attained
What the accounts of a people and their religion reached

٥. إِذا طَلَبوا أَعلى المَكارِم أَدرَكوا
بِما أَدرَكَت أَحسابُ قَومٍ وَدينها

6. The enemies exerted themselves in vain, their efforts failed
While maidens of battles came to your aid

٦. لَقَد جَهَدَ الأَعداءُ فَوتَكَ جُهدَهُم
وَضافَتكَ أَبكارُ الخُطوبِ وَعونُها

7. They did not find in you, O son of Marwan, any flaw
Nor an ignorant one in dire straits seeking refuge

٧. فَما وَجَدوا فيكَ اِبنَ مَروانَ سَقطَةً
وَلا جَهلَةً في مَأزِقٍ تَستَكينُها

8. Rather, they tested in you a distant, sleepless vigor
Its wealth overflowing and its essence pure

٨. وَلَكِن بَلَوا في الجَدِّ مِنكَ ضَريبَةً
بَعيداً ثَراها مُسمَهِرّاً وَجينُها

9. If they exceeded its favors, it surrendered them
To a torrent in which swimmers cannot see its depths

٩. إِذا جاوَزوا مَعروفَها أَسلَمَتهُمُ
إِلى غَمرَةٍ لا يَنظُرُ العَومَ نونُها

10. When he intended to raid, no steed swayed his resolve
Adorned with a string of pearls that graced it

١٠. إِذا ما أَرادَ الغَزوَ لَم تَثنِ عَزمَهُ
حَصانٌ عَلَيها نَظمُ دُرٍّ يَزينُها

11. It cautioned him, but when the caution went unheeded
It wept, crying from the pain that distressed it

١١. نَهَتهُ فَلَمّا لَم تَرَ النَهيَ عاقَهُ
بَكَت فَبَكى مِمّا شَجاها قَطينُها

12. Nor did its caution dissuade him in his youth
The day its affairs commenced with tears

١٢. وَلَم يَثنِهِ عِندَ الصَبابَةِ نَهيُها
غَداةَ اِستَهَلَّت بِالدُموعِ شُؤونُها

13. Rather, the resolute man of principle went forth
To the clear, evident truth that revealed it

١٣. وَلَكِن مَضى ذو مِرَّةٍ مُتَثَبِّتٌ
لِسُنَّةِ حَقٍّ واضِحٍ يَستَبينُها

14. I smell the pervading scent in his turban that showed
His belt on a body that gives it strength

١٤. أَشَمُّ عَميمٌ في العَمامَةِ أَظهَرَت
حِزامَتُهُ أَجلادَ جِسمٍ يُعينُها

15. And the honesty of promises - for it is said:
Only one certain of the unseen fulfills them

١٥. وَصِدقَ مَواعيدٍ إِذا قيلَ إِنَّما
يُصَدِّقُ موعودَ المَغيبِ يَقينُها

16. As they strike the line of battle to affirm
And return the horses in mass, their forelocks tossed

١٦. وَهُم يَضرِبونَ الصَفَّ حَتّى يُثَبّتوا
وَهُم يُرجِعونَ الخَيلَ جُمّاً قُرونُها

17. A noble the war purified until he turned
As it had purified rage in the blows of its spearheads

١٧. فَتىً أَخلَصَتهُ الحَربُ حَتّى تَقَلَّبَت
كَما أَخلَصَت عَضباً بِضَربٍ قُيونُها

18. And the honesty of promises - for it is said:
Only one certain of the unseen fulfills them

١٨. وَصِدقَ مَواعيدٍ إِذا قيلَ إِنَّما
يُصَدِّقُ موعودَ المَغيبِ يَقينُها

19. As they strike the line of battle to affirm
And return the horses in mass, their forelocks tossed

١٩. وَهُم يَضرِبونَ الصَفَّ حَتّى يُثَبّتوا
وَهُم يُرجِعونَ الخَيلَ جُمّاً قُرونُها

20. A noble the war purified until he turned
As it had purified rage in the blows of its spearheads

٢٠. فَتىً أَخلَصَتهُ الحَربُ حَتّى تَقَلَّبَت
كَما أَخلَصَت عَضباً بِضَربٍ قُيونُها