1. O my people, your rope is frayed
On the day of my misfortune while you remain unharmed
١. يا لَقَومي لَحَبلِكَ المَصرومِ
يَومَ شَوطى وَأَنتَ غَيرُ مُليمِ
2. The landmarks of home can be recognized
By children at play amidst noble youth
٢. وَرُسومُ الدِيارِ تُعرَفُ مِنها
بِالمَلا بَينَ تَغلَمَينِ فَريمِ
3. The caravan covers the land yet we wonder
At its affliction and unrestrained roaming
٣. غَشِيَ الركبُ رَبعَها فَعَجِبنا
مِن بَلاهُ وَما المَدى بِمُقيمِ
4. Like the hems of a cloak now threadbare
After beauty, the edges raveled and torn
٤. كَحَواشي الرِداءِ قَد مُحَّ مِنهُ
بَعدَ حُسنٍ عَصائِبُ التَسهيمِ
5. It changed the slopes into dark mourning cloaks
Bloodstained and gloomy each one
٥. بَدَّلَ السَفحَ في اليَلابِنَ مِنها
كُلُّ أَدماءَ مُرشِحٍ وَظَليمِ
6. I startled my friend with the illness in me
He did not expect it nor my hushed speech
٦. قَد أَروعُ الخَليلَ بِالصَرمِ مِنّي
لَم يَخَفهُ وَقِلَّةِ التَكليمِ