1. Leila stirred him when she made ready to depart
Yes, and leaned aside when the litters were loaded
١. أَهاجَكَ لَيلى إِذ أَجَدَّ رَحيلُها
نَعَم وَثَنَت لَمّا اِحزَأَلَّت حُمولُها
2. I have ranged over the lands, east and west
And her sun has struck me, and her shades
٢. لَقَد سِرتُ شَرقِيَّ البِلادِ وَغَربِها
وَقَد ضَرَبَتني شَمسُها وَظُلولُها
3. He limps, then races headlong when left alone
And ambushes in scrub and tangled grass
٣. يَنوءُ فَيَعدو مِن قَريبٍ إِذا عَدا
وَيَكمُنُ في خَشباءَ وَعثٍ مَقيلُها
4. The Commander of the Faithful will come with his men
A bulwark of warriors, bows bent in hand
٤. سَيَأتي أَمير المُؤمِنينَ وَدونَهُ
صِمادٌ مِنَ الصَوّانِ مَرتٌ مُيولُها
5. By the sacred heights, then the plains beneath
The meadows of Busra have bared their arms
٥. فَبيدُ المُنَقّى فَالمَشارِفُ دونَهُ
فَرَوضَةُ بُصرى أَعرَضَت فَبَسيلُها
6. My song I sing to you, and my eulogy
Colored like the falcon's wing, lasting as reproach
٦. ثَنائي تُؤَدّيهِ إليك وَمِدحَتي
صُهابِيَّةُ الأَلوانِ باقٍ ذَميلُها
7. Light horses in the stables of phaenix build
Bay steeds whose bridles jingle with little bells
٧. عَسوفٌ بِأَجوازِ الفَلا حِميَرِيَّةٌ
مَريشٌ بِذِئبانِ السَبيبِ تَليلُها
8. Now he rides a scent of priceless musk
Now you see his coat of mail cast off from him
٨. يُغادي بَفارِ المِسكِ طَوراً وَتارَةً
تُرى الدِرعُ مُرفَضّاً عَلَيهِ نَثيلُها
9. The lances with their tubular hooks towards him
Their blades, polished smooth, glinting
٩. وَقَد شَخَصَت بِالسابِرِيَّةِ فَوقَهُ
مُعَلَّبَةَ الأُنبوبِ ماضٍ أَليلُها
10. You see the son of Abi 'l-'Ass draw up his lines
Eighty thousand all told, when their numbers mount
١٠. تَرى اِبنَ أَبي العاصي وَقَد صُفَّ دونَهُ
ثَمانونَ أَلفاً قَد تَوافَت كُمولُها
11. He turns his dangerous eyes, wary and ominous
To which he has added the swift intervening squadrons
١١. يُقَلِّبُ عَيني حَيَّةٍ بِمَحارَةٍ
أَضافَ إِلَيها السَارِياتِ سَبيلُها
12. He charges and wheels away, a wolf in ambush
When the foe gives him room, he is merciless
١٢. يَصُدُّ وَيُغضي وَهوَ لَيثُ خِفِيَّةٍ
إِذا أَمكَنَتهُ عَدوَةٌ لا يُقيلُها
13. You extended a meager hand to the trespassing aggressor
Which suffices to wrong the kindred, but also the stranger
١٣. بَسَطتَ لِباغي العُرفِ كَفّاً بَسيطَةً
تَنالُ العِدى بَلهَ الصَديقَ فضولُها
14. Not from any noble stock did your highest fortune spring
Rather, inheritances of forebears devolve upon you
١٤. وَلَم يَكُ عَن عَفرٍ تَفَرُّعُكَ العُلى
وَلَكِن مَواريثُ الجُدودِ تَؤولُها
15. Protect the abode of the kings from the tribe of Raht
And the sands of Lud, lest their meadows be ravaged
١٥. حَموا مَنزِلَ الأَملاكِ مِن مَرجِ راهِطٍ
وَرَملَةِ لُدٍّ أَن تُباحَ سُهولُها