
Two she-camels that we could find no match for,

سقى دمنتين لم نجد لهما مثلا

1. Two she-camels that we could find no match for,
Have adorned your meadow, O Aziz, a beautiful meadow.

١. سَقى دِمنَتَينِ لَم نَجِد لَهُما مِثلا
بِحقلٍ لَكُم يا عَزَّ قَد زانَتا حَقلا

2. The Pleiades came in their glory at the end of night,
Bestowing generously upon them, following with more.

٢. نَجاءُ الثُرَيّا كَلَّ آَخِرِ لَيلَةٍ
يَجودُهُما جوداً وَيُتبِعُهُ وَبلا

3. When the Abode of Aziz was adorned, I could not find
In the first adornment, two nights of union like it.

٣. إِذا شَحَطَت دارٌ لِعَزَّةَ لَم أَجِد
لَها في الأولى يَلحَينَ في وَصلِها مِثلا

4. Oh, would that I knew - and events are all confusion -
When will the days gather a day in which we are united?

٤. فَيا لَيتَ شِعري وَالحَوادِثُ جَمَّةٌ
مَتى تَجمَعُ الأَيّامُ يَوماً بِها شَملا

5. How can one reach Al-Hajibiyah, journeys beyond count,
When it has surpassed the date palms in distance?

٥. وَكَيفَ يَنالُ الحاجِبِيَّةَ آلِفٌ
بِيَليَلَ ممساهُ وَقَد جاوَزَت نَخلا

6. So O Aziz if a slanderer slanders me to you,
Do not honor him by saying to him "Welcome!"

٦. فَيا عَزَّ إِن واشٍ وَشى بِيَ عِندَكُم
فَلا تُكرِميهِ أَن تَقولي لَهُ أَهلا

7. Just as if a slanderer slandered your love among us
We would say "Begone! Neither close nor easy."

٧. كَما لَو وَشى واشٍ بِوُدِّكِ عِندَنا
لَقُلنا تَزَحزَح لا قَريباً وَلا سهلا

8. So welcome, and easy access, to the one who tied our bond,
And no welcome to the one who cut its rope.

٨. فَأَهلاً وَسَهلاً بِالَّذي شَدَّ وَصلَنا
وَلا مَرحَباً بِالقائِلِ اِصرِم لَها حَبلا

9. Has not the time come, O heart, for me to leave foolishness,
And for old age to bring wisdom to me?

٩. أَلَم يَأنِ لي يا قَلب أَن أَترُكَ الجَهلا
وَأَن يُحدِثَ الشَيبُ المُلِمُّ لِيَ العَقلا

10. When my head has become as if
A decorated spindle were set upon it.

١٠. عَلى حين صارَ الرَأسُ مِنّي كَأَنَّما
عَلَت فَوقَهُ نَدّافَةُ العَطَبِ الغَزلا

11. And we who were banned from all of Tihama,
From Nuq Al-Kharar to Al-Dumuth's plains.

١١. وَنَحنُ مَنَعناَ مِن تِهامَةَ كُلِّها
جُنوبَ نَقا الخَوّارِ فَالدَمِثَ السَهلا

12. With every brave knight, his sword flashing,
And every elegant camel decked in necklaces.

١٢. بِكُلِّ كُميتٍ مُجفَرِ الدَفِّ سابِحٍ
وَكُلِّ مِزاقٍ وَردَةٍ تَعلِكُ النِكلا

13. Darts that fly like eagles when unleashed,
And if held back from their setting they are restless.

١٣. غَوامِضُ كَالعُقبانِ إِن هِيَ أُرسِلَت
وَإِن أُمسِكَت عَن غَربِها نَقَلَت نَقلا

14. Dishevelled hair covers them like sieves, all of them
Count as generous, not cowardly or treacherous.

١٤. عَلَيهِنَّ شُعثٌ كَالمَخاريقِ كُلُّهُم
يُعِدُّ كَريماً لا جَباناً وَلا وَغلا

15. In their hands, lances, and over them
Long coats like those of Pharaoh, plaited.

١٥. بِأَيديهِمُ خَطّيّة وَعَلهِمُ
سَوابِغُ فِرعَونِيَّةٌ جُدِلت جَدلا

16. We see ourselves as honorable, while others,
Our enemies, claim to see no equals to us.

١٦. تَرانا ذَوي عِزٍّ وَيَزعُمُ غَيرُنا
مِن أَعدائِنا أَن لا يَرَونَ لَنا مِثلا

17. We fight people, capturing their women,
Imprisoning them, and inflicting death.

١٧. نُحارِبُ أَقواماً فَنَسبي نِساءَهُم
وَنُصفِدُهُم أَسراً وَنوجِعُهُم قَتلا

18. So reason is taken from us, not our blood,
And we refuse, not drawing reason from our blood.

١٨. فَيُؤخَذُ مِنّا العَقلُ دونَ دِمائِنا
وَنَأبى فَلا نَستاقُ مِن دمنا عَقلا

19. The columns of soldiers strike our lines
Until we force them back disgracefully.

١٩. وَيَضرِبُ رَيعانَ الكَتيبَةِ صَفُّنا
إِذا أَقبَلَت حَتّى نُطَرِّفَها رَعلا

20. I stationed it in a house, laden with fear,
The branches of lofty trees honoring its load.

٢٠. وَأَثبَتُهُ داراً عَلى الخَوفِ ثَملُها
فُروعُ عَوالي الغابِ أَكرِم بِها ثَملا

21. I distanced it from hearing, perfumed it,
Increased its patience, and distanced it from ignorance.

٢١. وَأَبعَدُهُ سَمعاً وَأَطيَبُهُ نَثاً
وَأَعظَمُهُ حِلماً وَأَبعَدُهُ جَهلا

22. I say to the guest, "Welcome and greetings!"
I shelter my neighbor and broaden the mountain.

٢٢. وَأَقوَلُهُ لِلضَيفِ أَهلاً وَمَرحَباً
وَآمَنُهُ جاراً وَأَوسَعُهُ جَبلا

23. So ask about my people every bare knight,
And ask about sheep kept at Dhumra or Sakhal.

٢٣. فَسائِل بِقَومي كُلَّ أَجرَدَ سابِحٍ
وَسَل غَنَماً رُبّي بِضَمرَةَ أَو سَخلا

24. They are all equal, like the teeth of a donkey,
No elder among them has virtue over a youth.

٢٤. سَواءٌ كَأَسنانٍ الحِمارِ فَلا تَرى
لِذي كَبرَةٍ مِنهُم عَلى ناشِئٍ فَضلا

25. Nor did a ewe of Dhumra think herself
Other than a horned goat, that she have a husband.

٢٥. وَما حَسَبَت ضَمرِيَّةٌ جَدَوِيَّةٌ
سِوى التَيسِ ذي القَرنَينِ أَنَّ لَها بَعلا

26. So convey to Az-Zhafira' that ignorance is her name,
And whoever errs will not lack reproach for his error.

٢٦. فَأَبلِغ لِيَ الذَفراءَ وَالجَهلُ كَاِسمِهِ
وَمَن يَغوِ لا يَعدَم عَلى غِيِّهِ عَذلا