
Remember Sa'id with stinginess preceding him,

اذكر سعيدا بخلات سبقن له

1. Remember Sa'id with stinginess preceding him,
His father's inheritance and lineage ascribed.

١. اِذكُر سَعيداً بِخِلاَّتٍ سَبَقنَ لَهُ
ميراثُ والدِهِ وَالعِرقُ مُنتَسِبُ

2. O son of generous and praiseworthy deeds,
And son of him for whose killing the Arabs were punished.

٢. يا اِبنَ الأَكارِمِ وَالمَحمودِ سَعيُهُمُ
وَاِبنَ الذي عُوقِبَت في قَتلِهِ العَرَبُ