1. Remember Sa'id with stinginess preceding him,
His father's inheritance and lineage ascribed.
١. اِذكُر سَعيداً بِخِلاَّتٍ سَبَقنَ لَهُ
ميراثُ والدِهِ وَالعِرقُ مُنتَسِبُ
2. O son of generous and praiseworthy deeds,
And son of him for whose killing the Arabs were punished.
٢. يا اِبنَ الأَكارِمِ وَالمَحمودِ سَعيُهُمُ
وَاِبنَ الذي عُوقِبَت في قَتلِهِ العَرَبُ