
The Caliphs after the Messenger

وكان الخلائف بعد الرسول

1. The Caliphs after the Messenger
Were all obedient to Allah

١. َوكانَ الخَلائِفُ بَعدَ الرَسولِ
لِلَّهِ كُلُّهُمُ تابِعا

2. Two martyrs after their loyal friend
And Ibn Khawla was their fourth

٢. شَهيدانِ مِن بَعدِ صِدّيقِهِم
وَكانَ اِبنُ خَولى لَهُم رابِعا

3. His son after him was the fifth
Obedient to those before him, listening

٣. وَكانَ اِبنُهُ بَعدَهُ خامِساً
مُطيعاً لِمَن قَبلَهُ سامِعا

4. Marwan was the sixth of those passed
And his son after him the seventh

٤. وَمَروانُ سادِسُ مَن قَد مَضى
وَكانَ اِبنُهُ بَعدَهُ سابِعا