1. A love that departed from her family bitterly distanced itself,
So the brilliant morning of our union and its exaltation faded.
١. عَفَت غَيقَةٌ مِن أَهلِها فَحَريمُها
فَبُرقَةُ حِسمى قاعُها فَصَريمُها
2. Desolate ruins called me with a longing for Mighty Azah's abode,
Where the traces of its glittering domes once shone.
٢. وَهاجَتكَ أَطلالٌ لِعَزَّةَ بِاللَوى
يَلوحُ بِأَطرافِ البِراقِ رُسومُها
3. To the lofty, nearby tower of sand it brought me,
Where I saw it conversing with tales of old.
٣. إِلى المِئبَرِ الداني مِنَ الرَملِ ذي الغَضا
تَراها وَقَد أَقوَت حَديثاً قَديمُها
4. And my friend said, on the day we visited when
The locks on my heart were opened and its seals came undone:
٤. وَقالَ خَليلي يَومَ رُحنا وَفُتِّحَت
مِنَ الصَدرِ أَشراجٌ وَفُضَّت خُتومُها
5. "You have been struck by the arrows of the Perfect Brow,
When she aims her bow, none can evade her shot.
٥. أَصابَتكَ نَبلُ الحاجِبِيَّةِ إِنَّها
إِذا ما رَمَت لا يَستَبِلُّ كَليمُها
6. You are like one driven away by the sun, parted
From the constellation at zenith by its burning rays.
٦. كَأَنَّكَ مَردوعٌ مِنَ الشَمسِ مَطرَدٌ
يُفارِقُهُ مِن عُقدَةِ البُقعِ هيمُها
7. A brother of a hungry snake in a barren land
writhing again and again after shedding its skin.
٧. أَخو حَيَّةٍ عَطشى بِأَرضٍ ظَميئَةٍ
تَجَلَّلَ غَشياً بَعدَ غَشيٍ سَليمُها
8. When Mighty Azah's abode once galloped away,
it bid farewell to the camp with a resounding strike.
٨. إِذا شَحَطَت يَوماً بِعَزَّةَ دارُها
عَنِ الحَيِّ صَفقاً فَاِستَمَرَّ مَريرُها
9. If you seek to reach her, she has migrated from her home
and her guide there has not remained steadfast."
٩. فَإِن تُمسِ قَد شَطَّت بِعَزَّةً دارُها
وَلَم يَستَقِم وَالعَهدَ مِنها زَعيمُها
10. In my heart she left behind many days of longing
with copious tears flowing quickly from my eyes.
١٠. فَقَد غادَرَت في القَلبِ مِنّي زَمانَةً
وَلِلعَينِ عَبراتٍ سَريعاً سُجومُها
11. So taste the agony my miserable eyes have suffered,
though worse may yet come upon these eyes of mine.
١١. فَذوقي بِما جَشَّمتِ عَيناً مَشومَةً
قَذاها وَقَد يَأتي عَلى العَينِ شومُها
12. Do not grieve for what is past and changed,
for the cycles of fate and its decrees revolve inexorably.
١٢. فَلا تَجزَعي لَمّا نَأَت وَتَزَحزَحَت
بِعَزَّةَ دوراتُ النَوى وَرُجومُها
13. My days with you remain when the fates turn,
nights whose stars travel on and disappear.
١٣. وَلي مِنكِ أَيّامٌ إِذا شَحَطَ النَوى
طِوالٌ وَلَيلاتٌ تَزولُ نُجومُها
14. Every debtor fulfills his debts and pays his dues,
and Mighty Azah's deferred promise will surely come to pass.
١٤. قَضى كُلُّ ذي دينٍ فَوفّى غَريمَهُ
وَعَزَّةُ مَمطولٌ مُعنّىً غَريمُها
15. When I prepare my soul to abandon and avoid her,
it sees the darkness of death in what I intend.
١٥. إِذا سُمتُ نَفسي هَجَرَها وَاِجتِنابَها
رَأَت غَمَراتِ المَوتِ في ما أَسومُها
16. When the daughter of Banu Unayf rose in prestige,
the worthless of mankind rose up and virtues diminished.
١٦. إِذا بِنتِ بانَ العُرفُ إِلّا أَقَلَّهُ
مِنَ الناسِ وَاِستَعلى الحَياةَ ذَميمُها
17. The robes of chastity have changed,
neglecting the noble deeds they once performed.
١٧. وَتُخلِقُ أَثوابُ الصِيا وَتَنَكَّرَت
نَواحٍ مِنَ المَعروفِ كانَت تُقيمُها
18. Can Mighty Azah repay with love,
a soul that she has wounded to the core?
١٨. فَهَل تَجزِيَنّي عَزَّةُ القَرضَ بِالهَوى
ثَواباً لِنَفسٍ قَد أُصيبَ صَميمُها
19. Since she is not of my kin,
and her noble kinsman did not honor me.
١٩. بِأَنّيَ لَم تَبلُغ لَها ذا قَرابَةٍ
أَذاتي وَلَم أُقرِر لِواسٍ يَذيمُها
20. Whenever they reproach me,
they send me away without listening to my case.
٢٠. مَتى ما تَنالا بِيَ الأولى يَقصِبونَها
إِلَيَّ وَلا يُشتَم لَدَيَّ حَميمُها
21. She knew in her wisdom that I will never love her
if her generous kinsman does not show me favor.
٢١. وَقَد عَلِمَت بِالغَيبِ أَن لَن أُوَدَّها
إِذا هِيَ لَم يَكرُم عَلَيَّ كَريمُها
22. But if the mother of Amr reconciles us,
then we will accept her affection or not blame her.
٢٢. فَإِن وَصَلتَنا أُمُّ عَمرٍو فَإِنَّنا
سَنَقبَلُ مِنها الوُدَّ أَو لا نَلومُها
23. So do not rebuke the passionate youth
when you yourself were once unsteady and wavering.
٢٣. فَلا تَزجِرِ الغاوينَ عَن تَبَعِ الصِبا
وَأَنتَ غَوِيُّ النَفسِ قِدماً سَقيمُها
24. Mighty Mutaball, when she leaves,
will not regard the causes of passion or reject them.
٢٤. بِعَزَّةَ مَتبولٌ إِذا هِيَ فارَقَت
مُعَنّى بِأَسبابِ الهَوى ما يَريمُها
25. And when I saw my soul as an afflicted soul,
overcome by its sorrows and worries,
٢٥. وَلَمّا رَأَيتُ النَفسَ نَفساً مُصابَةً
تَداعى عَلَيها بَثُّها وَهُمومُها
26. I was determined to command it and it obeyed me,
for the best of matters is to have determination.
٢٦. عَزَمتُ عَلَيها أَمرَها فَصَرَمتُهُ
وَخَيرُ بَديعاتِ الأُمورِ عَزيمُها
27. The protection of the Noble Refuge is no coward,
it has men at the Abode of Reyyan protecting its sanctuary.
٢٧. وَما جابَةُ المِدرى خَذولٌ خَلا لَها
أَراكٌ بِذي الرَيّانِ دانٍ صَريمُها
28. Its methods are more beautiful, and it follows
the proper ways when its banners unfurl.
٢٨. بِأَحسَنَ مِنها سُنَّةً وَمُقَلَّداً
إِذا ما بَدَت لَبّاتُها وَنَظيمُها
29. The plants of the Noble Refuge spread about,
like the boughs of a lush garden hanging with fruit.
٢٩. وَتَفرُقُ بِالمِدرى أَثيثاً نَباتُهُ
كَجَنَّةِ غَربيبٍ تَدَلَّت كُرومُها
30. When it smiles, it does not grin or sneer,
but rather its dimples are like shining pearls.
٣٠. إِذا ضَحِكَت لَم تَنتَهِز وَتَبَسَّمَت
ثَنايا لَها كَالمُزنِ غُرٌّ ظُلومُها
31. It is as if, after waking from sleep,
its teeth are weakly ready to bite whoever rouses it.
٣١. كَأَنَّ عَلى أَنيابِها بَعدَ رَقدَةٍ
إِذا اِنتَبَهَت وَهناً لِمَن يَستَنيمُها
32. The bustling of bees in vessels of honey
whose fervor flows in the bones, melting them.
٣٢. مُجاجَةَ نَحلٍ في أَباريقِ صَفقَةٍ
بِصَهباءَ يَجري في العِظامِ هَميمُها
33. The redness of its cheeks has been restored
by the waters of the valley, smooth without cracks.
٣٣. رَكودُ الحُمَيّا وَردَةُ اللَونِ شابَها
بِماءِ الغَوادي غَيرَ رَنقٍ مُديمُها
34. So Mighty Azah, if you turn from me and refuse me,
and do not accept my regretful supplications,
٣٤. فَإِن تَصدُفي يا عَزَّ عَنّي وَتَصرِمي
وَلا تَقبَلي مِنّي خِلالاً أَسومُها
35. Then desolation will stretch out its hands towards its ruins,
with the carcass of grief appearing devastated.
٣٥. فَقَد أَقطَعُ المَوماةَ يَستَنُّ آلُها
بِها جيفُ الحَسرى يَلوحُ هَشيمُها
36. On the back of a noble and wise horse
that cuts through the thickets with its rider.
٣٦. عَلى ظَهرِ حُرجوجٍ يُقَطَّعُ بِالفَتى
نِعافَ الفَيافي سَبتُها وَرَسيمُها
37. And I will rebuke the fickle one whose deceit appears,
though its twisted ways will not be set straight.
٣٧. وَقَد أَزجُرُ العَوجاءَ أَنقَبَ خُلُّها
مَناسِمُها لا يَستَبِلُّ رَثيمُها
38. It has obscured the name Sumrah, as if its letters
were the shells of a swooping falcon scattered in flight.
٣٨. وَقَد غَيَّبَت سُمراً كَأَنَّ حُروفَها
مَواثِمُ وَضّاحٍ يَطيرُ جَريمُها
39. On an ominous night in a fearful land,
the stars of darkness meet with it.
٣٩. وَلَيلَةِ إيجافٍ بِأَرضٍ مَخوفَةٍ
تَقَتني بِجَوناتِ الظَلامِ نُجومُها
40. I spend its night awake, a captive unable to sleep,
on the back of a noble and wise horse.
٤٠. فَبِتُّ أُساري لَيلَها وَضَريبَها
عَلى ظَهرِ حُرجوجٍ نَبيلٍ حَزيمُها
41. It competes with the highest summits, as if its eyes
were a torrent from which gaze upon gaze flows.
٤١. تُواهِقُ أَطلاحاً كَأَنَّ عُيونَها
وَقيعٌ تَعادَت عَن نِطافٍ هَزومُها
42. The darkness confuses it, as if it were
wrought silver cups burnished smooth.
٤٢. أَضَرَّ بِها الإِدلاجُ حَتّى كَأَنَّها
مِنَ الأَينِ خِرصانٌ نَحاها مُقيمُها
43. My steed challenges the blanket of the night,
mighty, enormously strong.
٤٣. تُنازِعُ أَشرافَ الإِكامِ مَطِيَّتي
مِنَ اللَيلِ سيجاناً شديدا فُحومُها
44. With a towering stature, humbly keeping to herself,
her echo fades when night falls, silenced.
٤٤. بِمُشرِفَةِ الأَجداثِ خاشِعَةِ الصُوى
تَداعى إِذا أَمسَت صَداها وَبومُها
45. When the wind meets her neck wrapped with a scarf,
it swears an oath to the mirage not to oppose her pace.
٤٥. إِذا اِستَقبَلَتها الريحُ حالَ رُغامُها
وَحالَفَ جَولانَ السَرابِ أَرومُها
46. She walks steadily with the saddlebags on her sides
like an arrogant one with strong and firm thighs.
٤٦. يُمَشّي بِحِزّانِ الإِكامِ وِبِالرُبى
كَمُستَكبرٍ ذي مَوزَجَينِ ظَليمُها
47. I saw the ugly coward slyly roll about,
smoothed and polished without hair or wool.
٤٧. رَأَيتُ بِها العوجَ اللَهاميمَ تَغتَلي
وَقَد صُقِلَت صَقلاً وَتَلَّت جُسومُها
48. She raced between the barren lands under every starry night
crossing the scorching sands with little flesh on her bones.
٤٨. تُراكِلُ بِالأَكوارِ مِن كُلِّ صَيهَبٍ
مِنَ الحَرِّ أَثباجاً قَليلاً لُحومُها
49. Had you but asked the traveling company in every desolate place,
when the wolves howl deep in the night:
٤٩. وَلَو تَسأَلينَ الرَكبَ في كُلِّ سَربَخٍ
إِذا العيسُ لَم يَنبِس بِلَيلٍ بَغومُها
50. About her trailing luggage beyond their own,
when the lion circled about the ruins in darkness.
٥٠. مِنَ الحُجرَةِ القُصوى وَراءَ رِحالِها
إِذا الأُسدُ بِالأَكوارِ طافَ رَزومُها
51. I have tested the loyal brethren, and found amongst them
those faithful to brotherhood, and those hostile to it.
٥١. وَجَرَّبتُ إِخوانَ الصَفاءِ فَمِنهُمُ
حَميدُ الوِصالِ عِندَنا وَذَميمُها
52. And I know that I will not escape the robe of death
that is fastened around me, clutching tightly.
٥٢. وَأَعلَمُ أَنّي لا أُسَربَلُ جُنَّةً
مِنَ المَوتِ مَعقودً عَلَيَّ تَميمُها
53. And whoever innovates what is not from his own self-whisperings,
will abandon it and defeat it, bringing down its pillars.
٥٣. وَمَن يَبتَدِع ما لَيسَ مِن سوسِ نَفسِهِ
يَدَعهُ وَيغلِبهُ عَلى النَفسِ خيمَها