
My two friends, this is a fragment of Azizah's glory, so be rational

خليلي هذا ربع عزة فاعقلا

1. My two friends, this is a fragment of Azizah's glory, so be rational
Suppress your yearning, then weep wherever she camped,

١. خَليلَيَّ هَذا رَبْعُ عَزَّةَ فَاعْقِلَا
قلوصَيكُما ثُمَّ ابْكِيَا حَيثُ حَلَّتِ

2. And touch dust that had touched her skin,
And seek shade and shelter where she passed her night and took shade,

٢. وَمُسّا تُرابًا كَانَ قَد مَسَّ جِلدَها
وَبيتا وَظِلاَ حَيثُ باتَت وَظَلَّتِ

3. Do not despair that God may forgive you
When you pray wherever she prayed,

٣. وَلا تَيأَسا أَن يَمحُوَ اللهُ عَنكُما
ذُنوبًا إِذا صَلَّيتُما حَيثُ صَلَّتِ

4. And I did not know before Azizah what weeping was
Nor the pains of the heart, until she turned away.

٤. وما كنت أَدري قَبلَ عَزَّةَ ما البُكا
وَلا مُوجِعاتِ القَلبِ حَتَّى تَوَلَّتِ

5. She was not fair to us women, so she hated us
And was niggardly in gifts, whereas before she was generous

٥. وَما أَنصَفَت أَما النِساءُ فَبَغَّضَت
إِلينا وَأَمَّا بِالنَوالِ فَضَنَّتِ

6. She swore strongly by the sacrifice that Quraish made
The morning of Confederates, and prayed

٦. فَقَد حَلَفَت جَهدًا بِما نَحَرَت لَهُ
قُرَيشٌ غَداةَ المَأزَمينِ وَصَلّتِ

7. I call you - has any pilgrim circumambulated
With the throng of the Rufay'ah clan, and entered ihram

٧. أُناديكَ ما حَجَّ الحَجِيجُ وَكَبَّرَت
بِفَيفاء آل رُفقَةٌ وَأَهَلَّتِ

8. Nor has any of the Rufay'ah clan above the station of Rukbah
Of those with long hair, entered ihram and commenced talbiyah

٨. وَما كَبَّرَت مِن فَوقِ رُكبةَ رُفقةٌ
وَمِن ذي غَزال أَشعَرَت وَاِستَهَلَّتِ

9. And she was like one who has vowed
To cut the tie between me and her, and fulfilled her vow

٩. وَكانَت لِقَطعِ الحَبلِ بَيني وَبَينَها
كَناذِرَةٍ نَذرًا وَفَت فَأَحَلَّتِ

10. So I said: O Azizah, every misfortune,
When the soul becomes accustomed to it, is humbled

١٠. فَقُلتُ لَها يا عَزَّ كُلُّ مُصيبَةٍ
إِذا وُطِّنَت يَومًا لَها النَفسُ ذلَّتِ

11. And no human has found love without
Becoming blind, once smitten with passion

١١. وَلَم يَلقَ إِنسانٌ مِنَ الحُبَّ مَيعَةً
تَعُمُّ وَلا عَمياءَ إِلّا تَجَلَّتِ

12. So if the fault-finders ask why I pine for her
Say: a free soul that followed its caprice and then turned away

١٢. فَإِنَ سَأَلَ الواشُونَ فِيمَ صَرَمتُها
فَقُل نَفس حُر ّسُلِّيَت فَتَسَلَّتِ

13. It was as if I called to a rock when she turned away
Deaf even if mountains had senses, they would slip

١٣. كَأَنّي أُنادِي صَخرَةً حِينَ أَعرَضَت
مِن الصُمِّ لو تَمشي بِها العُصمُ زَلَّتِ

14. Clement, but she would not meet you except disdainfully
So whoever hopes for reunion with her, that hope is futile

١٤. صَفوحٌ فَما تَلقاكَ إِلَّا بخيلَةً
فَمَن مَلَّ مِنها ذَلِكِ الوَصلَ مَلَّتِ

15. She made lawful what people had not grazed before her
And made common what had not been commonly accessible before

١٥. أَباحَت حِمًى لَم يَرعَهُ الناسُ قَبلَها
وَحَلَّت تِلاعًا لَم تَكُن قَبلُ حُلَّتِ

16. Would that my companion were tied to Azizah
With a weak rope - he escaped from her and slipped away

١٦. فَلَيتَ قَلوصي عِندَ عَزَّةَ قُيِّدَت
بِحَبلٍ ضَعيفٍ غُرَّ مِنها فَضَلَّتِ

17. The luggage was loaded among the sedentary people, and her tent-ropes
And she had a garden, leveled and filled

١٧. وَغودِرَ في الحَيِّ المُقيمينَ رَحلُها
وَكانَ لَها باغٍ سِوايَ فَبَلَّتِ

18. And I was like one with two legs - one sound leg
And one which time had crippled and paralyzed

١٨. وَكُنت كَذي رِجلَينِ رِجلٍ صَحيحَةٍ
وَرِجلٍ رَمى فيها الزَمانُ فَشلَّتِ

19. And I was like one with a rib when she
Persisted upon her rib after stumbling and grew steady

١٩. وَكُنتُ كَذاتِ الظَلعِ لَمّا تَحامَلَت
عَلى ظَلعِها بَعدَ العِثارِ اِستَقَلَّتِ

20. I wish to find comfort in her abode though I think
When we stay long with her, she will be wearied

٢٠. أُريدُ الثَوَاءَ عِندَها وَأَظُنُّها
إِذا ما أَطَلنا عِندَها المُكثَ مَلَّتِ

21. The uncouth will make her censure me though she holds
No contempt for me, but she humbled herself to the King

٢١. يُكَلِّفُها الخَنزيرُ شَتمي وَما بِها
هَواني وَلَكِن لِلمَلِيكِ اِستَذَلَّتِ

22. A fine, splendid woman without any secret ailment
None of our honor would Azizah make permissible

٢٢. هَنيئًا مَرِيئًا غَيرَ داءٍ مُخامِرٍ
لِعَزَّةَ مِن أَعراضِنا ما اِستَحَلَّتِ

23. By God, I approached her only to have her move farther away
And the more I increased, the more she diminished

٢٣. وَوَالله ما قارَبت إِلا تَباعَدَت
بِصَرمٍ وَلا أَكثَرتُ إِلّا أقلّت

24. And I have sighs, which if prolonged, would kill me
As those misfortunes come in succession and recede

٢٤. وَلي زَفراتٌ لَو يَدُمنَ قَتَلنَنَي
تَوالي الَّتي تَأتي المُنى قَد تَوَلَّتِ

25. And we two climbed the ascent of passion together
But when we reached the summit, it ceased and slipped

٢٥. وَكُنّا سَلَكنا في صَعودٍ مِنَ الهوى
فَلَمّا تَوَافَينا ثَبَت وَزَلَّتِ

26. And we two tied the knot of union between us
But when it was strongly tied, I slackened and released it

٢٦. وَكُنّا عَقَدنا عُقدَةَ الوَصلِ بَينَنا
فَلمّا تَواثَقنا شَدَدتُ وَحَلَّتِ

27. So if she reproaches, strangers are welcome
Reproach is her right with us, and she reproached little

٢٧. فَإِن تَكُنِ العُتبى فَأَهلًا وَمَرحَبًا
وَحُقَّت لَها العُتبَى لَدينا وَقَلَتِ

28. But if she is otherwise, then behind us are lands
When she travels there the evening becomes tiresome

٢٨. وَإِن تَكُنِ الأُخرى فَإِنَ وَراءَنا
بِلادًا إِذا كَلَّفتُها العيسَ كَلَّتِ

29. My two friends, the Barmakids have destroyed
Your companion and my she-camel, they have ruined her

٢٩. خَليلَيَّ إِن الحاجِبِيَّةَ طَلَّحَت
قَلوصَيكُما وَناقَتي قَد أَكَلَّتِ

30. So let no far reunion with Azizah take place
When causes have receded and slipped away

٣٠. فَلا يَبعُدَن وَصلٌ لِعَزَّةَ أَصبَحَت
بِعَاقِبَةٍ أَسبابُهُ قَد تَوَلَّتِ

31. Treat me badly or treat me well, no blame
Upon us, and no fault if you are sparing

٣١. أَسِيئي بِنا أَو أَحسِني لا مَلومَةً
لَدِينا وَلا مَقلِيةً إِن تَقَلَّت

32. But grant me some, and remember some affection
You once had for us, which then diminished

٣٢. وَلَكِن أَنيلي وَاِذكُري مِن مَودَةٍ
لَنا خُلَّةً كَانَت لَدَيكُم فَضَلَّتِ

33. Even if she is averse, I speak truthfully
About what she once was to us, and then turned away

٣٣. وَإِنّي وَإِن صَدَّت لَمُثنٍ وَصادِقٌ
عَلَيها بِما كانَت إِلَينا أَزَلَّتِ

34. I will not call curses upon Azizah
Nor gloat if Azizah's sandal slips

٣٤. فَما أَنا بِالدَاعي لَعَزَّةَ بِالرَدى
وَلا شامِتٍ إِن نَعلُ عَزَّةَ زَلَّتِ

35. Let not the spies think my passion for Azizah
Was a cloudburst that then cleared away

٣٥. فَلا يَحسَبِ الواشُونَ أَنَّ صَبابَتي
بِعَزَّةَ كَانَت غَمرَةً فَتَجَلَّتِ

36. So I became drenched with tears shed over her
As the hamaa rainclouds pour and then clear

٣٦. فاَصبَحتُ قَد أَبلَلتُ مِن دَنَفٍ بها
كَما أُدنِفَت هَيماءُ ثُمَّ اِستَبَلَّتِ

37. By God, by God, none compared before or after her
Wherever she camped, none like her intimacy slipped away

٣٧. فَوَالله ثُمَّ الله لا حَلَّ بَعدها
وَلاقَبلَها مِن خُلَّةٍ حَيثُ حَلَّتِ

38. And no day passed upon me like her day
Though other days were greater and magnificent

٣٨. وَما مَرَّ مِن يَومٍ عَلَيَّ كيومِها
وَإِن عَظُمَت أَيامُ أُخرى وَجَلَّتِ

39. And she ascended to the highest peak of his heart
Neither heart can divert her nor soul grow weary of her

٣٩. وَحَلَّت بِأَعلى شاهِقٍ مِن فُؤادِهِ
فَلا القَلبُ يَسلاها وَلا النَّفسُ مَلَّتِ

40. How remarkable of heart - its confession
And the soul when accustomed, is tranquil

٤٠. فَوا عَجَبًا لِلقَلبِ كَيفَ اِعتِرافُهُ
وَلِلنَفسِ لَمّا وُطِّنَت فَاِطمَأَنَّتِ

41. Though I rave madly for Azizah after
We parted, and she went her way

٤١. وَإِنّي وَتَهيامي بِعَزَّةَ بَعدَما
تَخّلَّيتُ مِمّا بَينَنا وَتَخَلَّتِ

42. You who hopes for the shade of the clouds, whenever
He takes shelter they shrivel away

٤٢. لَكَ المُرتَجي ظِلَّ الغَمامَةِ كُلَّما
تَبَوَّأَ مِنها لِلمَقيلِ اِضمَحَلَّتِ

43. It is as if she and I are a raincloud
He hoped for, but when it passed him by, it poured down

٤٣. كَأَنّي وَإِيّاها سَحابَةُ مُمحِلٍ
رَجاها فَلَمّا جاوزَتهُ اِستَهَلَّتِ