
You are the Imam of truth, we do not doubt

أنت إمام الحق لسنا نمتري

1. You are the Imam of truth, we do not doubt
You are the one we are content with and hope for

١. أَنتَ إِمامُ الحَقِّ لَسنا نَمتَري
أَنتَ الَّذي نَرضى بِهِ وَنرتَجي

2. You are the son of the best of people after the Prophet
O son of Ali, you are a secret and who is like Ali

٢. أَنتَ اِبنُ خيرِ الناسِ مِن بَعد النبي
يا اِبنَ عَليَّ سِر وَمَن مِثلُ عَلي

3. Until you settle the land of Kalb and worn out
You did not die, O Mahdi, O son of the rightly guided one

٣. حَتى تَحلَّ أَرضَ كَلَبٍ وَبلي
ما مِتُ يا مَهديُّ يا اِبنَ المُهتَدي

4. You are the one we are content with and hope for
You are the son of the best of people after the Prophet

٤. أَنتَ الَّذي نَرضى بِهِ وَنرتَجي
أَنتَ اِبنُ خيرِ الناسِ مِن بَعد النبي

5. You are the Imam of truth, we do not doubt
O son of Ali, you are a secret and who is like Ali

٥. أَنتَ إِمامُ الحَقِّ لَسنا نَمتَري
يا اِبنَ عَليَّ سِر وَمَن مِثلُ عَلي

6. Be with us as a companion, do not waver
Until we reach the land of Kalb and worn out

٦. سِر بنا مُصاحِباً لا تَنثَني
حَتى نُحاذي أَرضَ كَلَبٍ وَبلى

7. Then your neighbor, the Most High God, will come
Explain to us and advise us, O son of the successor

٧. ثَمتَ أَقبل جارُكَ الله العلي
بين لَنا وَاِنصَح لَنا يا اِبن الوصي

8. Clarify for us from our religion what we seek

٨. بَيِّن لَنا مِن دينِنا ما نَبتَغي