
Rabi departed from his family, so farewell to intimacy,

عفا رابغ من أهله فالظواهر

1. Rabi departed from his family, so farewell to intimacy,
And the tents of Harsha have been folded up, so farewell to neighborliness,

١. عَفا رابِغٌ مِن أَهلِهِ فالظَواهِرُ
فَأَكنافُ هَرشى قَد عَفَت فَالأَصافِرُ

2. Flirtatious singing girls arouse even the forbearing to youthfulness,
Yet they are worn-out antiquities, so farewell to the ruins,

٢. مَغانٍ يُهَيِّجنَ الحَليمَ إِلى الصِبا
وَهُنَّ قَديماتُ العُهودِ دَواثِرُ

3. For Layla and her fellow maidens, as though they were
Ewes of the pen challenged by the white-faced sheep,

٣. لِلَيلى وَجاراتٍ لِلَيلى كَأَنَّها
نِعاجُ المَلا تُحدى بِهنَّ الأَباعِرُ

4. By what I see of those abodes and their inhabitants,
While they collectively were friendly dwellings,

٤. بِما قَد أَرى تِلكَ الدِيارَ وَأَهلَها
وَهُنَّ جَمِيعاتُ الأَنيسِ عَوامِرُ

5. I wondered if the abode of Rabab had become distant,
Or if an infirmity arose that your heart took flight,

٥. أَجَدَّك أَن دارُ الرّبابِ تَباعَدَت
أَو اِنبَتَّ حَبلٌ أَنَّ قَلبَكَ طائِرُ

6. The passionate have awakened and abandoned desire,
Yet trickery persists among men,

٦. أَفِق قَد أَفاقَ العاشِقونَ وَفارَقوا ال
هَوى وَاِستَمَرَّت بِالرجالِ المَرائِرُ

7. Give her up as something that never was, or as one who has emigrated from the abode,
Or whom the tombs have hidden away.

٧. وَهبها كَشَيءٍ لَم يَكُن أَو كَنازِحٍ
بِهِ الدَارُ أَو مَن غَيّبَتهُ المَقابِرُ

8. Has it been severed, O Might, what was between us,
And, O Might, did misgivings about you arise in me?

٨. أَمُنقَطِعٌ يا عَزَّ ما كانَ بَينَنا
وَشاجَرَني يا عَزَّ فيكِ الشَواجِرُ

9. When it is said, "This is the abode of Might,"
Passion drives me to it, and the tidings hasten me,

٩. إِذا قيلَ هَذي دارُ عَزَّةَ قادَني
إِليها الهَوى وَاِستَعجَلَتني البَوادِرُ

10. I feign madness, so that the talebearers may see
That I am bound for your abode as an emigrant,

١٠. أَصُدُّ وَبي الجُنونِ لِكَي يَرى
رُواةُ الخَنا أَنِّي لِبَيتِكِ هاجِرُ

11. O Might, would that estrangement, when it came between us,
Had brought me your love for sale from you, O merchant!

١١. فَيا عَزُّ لَيتَ النأَيَ إِذ حالَ بَينَنا
وَبينَكِ باعَ الوِدَّ لي مِنكِ تاجِرُ

12. You it was who endeared to me every short woman,
And the diminutive ones know nothing of that,

١٢. وَأَنتِ الَّتي حَبَّبتِ كُلَّ قَصيرَةٍ
إِليَّ وَما يَدري بِذاكَ القَصائِرُ

13. I gave my attention to short-statured belles, and did not intend
The shortcoming of steps - evil are slanderous women!

١٣. عَنَيتُ قَصيراتِ الحِجالِ وَلَم أُرِد
قِصارَ الخُطا شَرُّ النِساءِ البَحاتِرُ