1. Longing for the echo's voice whenever it calls
Yearning for the beautiful, bejeweled one's departure
١. تَشَوَّفُ مِن صَوتِ الصَدى كُلَّما دَعا
تَشَوُّفَ جَيداءِ المُقَلَّدِ مُغيِبِ
2. Rivaling the twittering of birds as though it were
Strands interlaced of cane stalks accompanied
٢. تُبارِي حَراجيجًا عِتاقًا كَأَنَّها
شَرَائِجُ مَعطُوفٍ مِن القُضبِ مُصحَبِ
3. When we reach the limit of endurance she writhes
A loose rein like an open door left ajar
٣. إذا ما بَلَغنا الجُهدَ مِنها تَوَعَّبَت
وَضيعُ زِمامٍ كَالُبابِ المُسيَّبِ
4. The clinging of pitch darkness harmed her every night
To you, so my mourning is daybreak, each dawnlit
٤. أَضَرَّ بِها عَلقُ السُّرَى كُلَّ لَيلَةٍ
إِليكَ فإِسآدي ضُحىً كُلَّ صَيهَبِ
5. Clement, when he punishes, exacting yet forgiving
The harshest punishment, or pardoning, never blaming
٥. حَلِيمٌ إَذا ما نالَ عاقَبَ مُجمِلاً
أَشَدَّ العقابِ أَو عَفا لَم يُثرِّبِ
6. So pardon, Commander of the Faithful, and be satisfied
No good you do but is recorded and prescribed
٦. فَعَفوًا أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ وَحِسبَةً
فَما تَتَسِب مِن صالِحٍ لَكَ يُكتَبِ
7. They did evil, but if you forgive, you are worthy of it
The greatest clemency is the clemency of one provoked
٧. أَساؤُوا فإن تغفر فِإِنَّكَ أَهلُهُ
وَأَفضَلُ حِلمٍ حِسبَةً حِلمُ مُغضَبِ
8. Quraysh denied them the valley grounds of Mecca
And the Yemeni the overlooks terraced and leveled
٨. نَفَتهُم قُرَيشٌ عَن أباطِحِ مَكَّةٍ
وَذِي يَمَنٍ بِالمَشرِفِّي المُشَطَّبِ