
The day of battle, the day of thrusting spears, when arrayed,

ويوم الوغى يوم الطعان إذا اكتسى

1. The day of battle, the day of thrusting spears, when arrayed,
The horses of the battlefield, draped in mail, and their valiant riders,

١. وَيَومَ الوَغى يَومَ الطِعانِ إِذا اِكَتسى
مُحَجَّلُ خَيلِ المُلتَقى وَبَهيمُها

2. Were of one color by the water, so they appeared alike,
Except for the varied hues of the steeds and their heroic spirit.

٢. مِنَ الماءِ لَوناً واحِداً فَتَشابَهَت
وَغَيرَ أَلوان الجِيادِ حَميمُها

3. They charged towards the ever-turning millstone of fate,
Veiled by another like a fixed star that loses its radiance.

٣. وَصارَت إِلى شَهباءَ ثابِتَةِ الرَحى
مُقَنَّعَةٍ أُخرى تَزولُ نُجومُها

4. Arms and legs flew amidst the blows,
And necks that had no talismans fell.

٤. وَطارَت خِلالَ الضَربِ أَيدٍ وَأَرجُلٌ
وَحانَت رِقابٌ لَم تُعَقَّد تَميمُها

5. As long as you remain, good continues for me whatever befalls me,
For you are the channel of guidance - may you always uphold it!

٥. وَإِنّي بِخَيرٍ ما بَقيتَ وَما وَلِي
قَناةَ الهُدى مِنكُم إِمامٌ يُقيمُها