
Though I aspire to be united with her

وإني لأسمو بالوصال إلى التي

1. Though I aspire to be united with her
Whose mention is healing, and her sight exhilarating,

١. وَإِنّي لَأَسمو بِالوِصالِ إِلى الَّتي
يَكونُ شِفاءً ذِكرُها وَاِزدِيارُها

2. Though she is hidden, to your eyes she would be solace,
And if she appears one day, you will not be shamed by her.

٢. وَإِن خَفِيَت كانَت لِعَينَيكَ قُرَّةً
وَإِن تَبدُ يَوماً لَم يَعُمَّكَ عارُها

3. Of the whitest maids you have not seen one so witty,
Nor one of pure and noble lineage like her.

٣. مِنَ الخَفِراتِ البيضِ لَم تَرَ شَقوَةً
وَفي الحَسَبِ المَحضِ الرَفيعِ نِجارُها

4. No garden is fragrant in grief like her plants,
Her dew and flowers exude fragrance.

٤. فَما رَوضَةٌ بِالحَزنِ طَيِّبَةَ الزَرع
يَمُجُّ النَدى جَثجاثُها وَعَرارُها

5. As if aromatics and perfumes met in a cleft
Of a valley's interior, such is her essence.

٥. بِمُنخَرِقٍ مِن بَطنِ وادٍ كَأَنَّما
كَأَنَّما تَلاقَت بِهِ عَطّارَةٌ وَتِجارُها

6. Musk is lavished on her until she seems to be
A perfumed wrap whose scent fills the air.

٦. أُفيدَ عَلَيها المِسكُ حَتّى كَأَنَّها
لَطيمَةُ دارِيٍّ تَفَتَّقَ فارُها

7. With something sweeter than leaves of dignity humiliated,
Kindling with moist wood the flames of her fire.

٧. بِأَطيَبَ مِن أَردانِ عَزَّةَ مَوهِناً
وَقَد أوقِدَت بِالمَندَلِ الرَطبِ نارُها

8. She is life when she meets you with her love one day,
And death when you meet her barriers.

٨. هِيَ العَيشُ ما لاقَتكَ يَوماً بِوُدِّها
وَمَوتٌ إِذا لاقاكَ مِنها اِزورارُها

9. And though her determination waivered, I am one
To guard her wherever she settles and dwells.

٩. وَإِنّي وَإِن شَطَّت نَواها لِحافِظٌ
لَها حَيثُ حَلَّت وَاِستَقَرَّ قَرارُها

10. I swear I shall never forget you as long as I live,
Though homes be ravaged and dwellings destroyed.

١٠. فَأَقسَمتُ لا أَنساكِ ما عِشتُ لَيلَةً
وَإِن شَحَطَت دارٌ وَشَطَّ مَزارُها

11. Nor the mirage's delusion, nor the deserted ruins
And desolation left by the caravans.

١١. وَما اِستنَّ رَقراقُ السَرابِ وَما جَرى
بِبيضِ الرُبى وَحشِيُّها وَنَوارُها

12. Nor the spirits blowing and roaming, nor the abandoned traces
Remaining in Najd, its hospitality and dwellings.

١٢. وَما هَبَّتِ الأَرواحُ تَجري وَما ثَوى
مُقيماً بِنَجدٍ عَوفُها وَتِعارُها