
Your greeting was pride after estrangement and then withdrew,

حيتك عزة بعد الهجر وانصرفت

1. Your greeting was pride after estrangement and then withdrew,
So greet whoever greeted you, O camel.

١. حَيَّتكَ عَزَّةُ بَعدَ الهَجرِ وَاِنصَرَفَت
فَحَيِّ وَيَحَكَ مَن حَيّاكَ يا جَمَلُ

2. If you had greeted her, you would still be honorable to me,
And neither darkness nor toil would have touched you.

٢. لَو كُنتَ حَيَّيتَها ما زِلتَ ذا مِقَةٍ
عِندي وَلا مَسَّكَ الإِدلاجُ وَالعَمَلُ

3. He languished with yearning when I said that to him,
And remained apologizing, shamed by modesty.

٣. فَحَنَّ مِن وَلَهٍ إِذ قُلتُ ذاكَ لَهُ
وَظَلَّ مُعتَذِراً قَد شَفَّهُ الخَجَلُ

4. He refuted in distress what I did not know about her,
And tried to speak to her, if only camels could speak.

٤. وَرَدَّ مِن جَزَعٍ ما كُنتُ أَعرِفُها
وَرامَ تَكليمَها لَو تَنطِق الإِبِلُ

5. If only the greeting had been meant for me, so I could thank her
Instead, O camel, you were greeted, O man.

٥. لَيتَ التَحِيَّةَ كانَت لي فَأَشكُرَها
مَكانَ يا جَمَلٌ حُيّيتَ يا رَجُلُ