
What befell that house which you were once intimate with

ما بل ذاك البيت الذي كنت آلفا

1. What befell that house which you were once intimate with
It lit you within it after your intimacy a burning fire

١. ما بلُ ذاكَ البَيتِ الَّذي كُنتَ آلِفاً
أَنارَكَ فيهِ بَعدَ إِلفِكَ نائِرُ

2. You visit houses around it you don't like
And abandon it, quenching for one whom you emigrate from

٢. تَزورُ بُيوتاً حَولَهُ ما تُحِبُّها
وَتَهجُرُهُ سَقياً لِمَن أَنتَ هاجِرُ

3. Cohabiting with a folk having malice in their chests
Oh, how blessed from its love is one who cohabits

٣. مُجاوِرَةٌ قَوماً عِدىً في صُدورِهِم
أَلا حَبَّذا مِن حُبِّها مَن تُجاوِرُ