
The complaints of Sa'dya's camels have broken his heart

شجا قلبه أظعان سعدى السوالك

1. The complaints of Sa'dya's camels have broken his heart
And their beauty on the day they set out, marching

١. شَجا قَلبَهُ أَظعانُ سُعدى السَوالِكُ
وَأَجمالُها يَومَ البُلَيدِ الرَواتِكُ

2. I say, though we have passed the landmarks of bloodshed
And shame, or less than them, the small hills

٢. أَقولُ وَقَد جاوَزنَ أَعلامَ ذي دَمٍ
وَذي وَجَمى أَو دونَهُنَّ الدَوانِكُ

3. Look - does it graze like this? As if
The waves of Shayza were stirred up by the constant winds

٣. تَأَمَّل كَذا هَل تَرعَوي وَكَأَنَّما
مَوائِجُ شيزى أَمرَحتَها الدَوامِكُ

4. Do you see me after the cattle were taken away
When does were built, and they are your friends

٤. وَهَل تَرَيني بَعدَ أَن تُنزَعَ البُرى
وَقَد أُبنَ أَنضاءً وَهُنَّ زَواحِكُ

5. They returned with contempt after twenty nights
While they are the little nights of the eyes, your comrades

٥. وَرَدنَ بُصاقاً بَعدَ عِشرينَ لَيلَةً
وَهُنَّ كَليلاتُ العُيونِ رَكائِكُ

6. Does were built, but none of them were beneficial
Even if they reached, you would see her laughing

٦. فَأُبنَ وَما مِنهُنَّ مِن ذاتِ نَجدَةٍ
وَلَو بَلَغَت إِلّا تُرى وَهيَ زاحِكُ

7. Travel denied everything that came to stay
So they are gazelles on the path, your peers

٧. نَفى السَيرُ عَنها كُلَّ جاءِ إِقامَةٍ
فَهُنَّ رَذايا بِالطَريقِ تَرائِكُ

8. The needs were loaded on thin camels as if
Their yellow saddle blankets were shriveled

٨. وَحُمِّلَتِ الحاجاتِ خوصاً كَأَنَّها
وَقد ضَمِرَت صُفرُ القِسِيِّ العَواتِكُ

9. A pot is smoked and silent as if it were
Tomatoes overflowing with boiling here and there

٩. وَمَقرُبَةٌ دُهمٌ وَكُمتٌ كَأَنَّها
طَماطِمُ يوفونَ الوُفورَ هَنادِكُ

10. As if the driver's camels were about to throw off
Their fat here and there and the luggage

١٠. كَأَنَّ عَدَولِيّاً زُهاءَ حُمولَها
غَدَت تَرتَمي الدَهنا بِها وَالدَهالِكُ

11. And over the live white as if they were
Gazelles resting on the hilltops, grazing

١١. وَفَوقَ جِمالِ الحَيِّ بيضٌ كَأَنَّها
عَلى الرَقمِ آرامُ الأَثيلِ الأَوارِكُ

12. Autumn deer that lodged on the lotus tree bent
Their fawns gathered them, the teeny ones

١٢. ظِباءُ خَريفٍ حَشَّت السَدرَ خُضَّع
ثَنى سِربَها أَطفالُهُنَّ العَوالِكُ

13. So I remained complaining until it was as if they were
Tent pegs of blazing fire consumed by the winds

١٣. فَما زِلتُ أُبقي الظَعنَ حَتّى كَأَنَّها
أَواقي سَدىً تَغتالُهُنَّ الحَوائِكُ

14. For my recovery is a glance if I looked at it
At the rear of the caravan another day, and behind me are your companions

١٤. فَإِنَّ شِفائي نَظرَة إِن نَظَرتُها
إِلى ثافِلٍ يَوماً وَخَلفي شَنائِكُ

15. And if the tents appeared from the belly of Arthad
For us, the two slit tents are decaying

١٥. وَإِن بَدَتِ الخَيماتُ مِن بَطنِ أَرثَدٍ
لَنا وَفِيافي المَرخَتَينِ الدَكادِكُ

16. You avoided visiting Layla tyrannically
While you are a man among your loving people

١٦. تَجَنَّبتَ لَيلى عنوَةً أَن تَزورَها
وَأَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ في اَهلِ وُدِّكَ تارِكُ

17. I say: Since the live ones are Ka'b and 'Amir
They met us and the rituals rolled us up there

١٧. أَقولُ إِذا الحَيّانِ كَعبٌ وَعامِرٌ
تَلاقوا وَلَفَّتنا هُناكَ المَناسِكُ

18. May God reward the live one with blessed freshness
And the winds blew goodness upon him

١٨. جَزى اللَهُ حَيّاً بالموقر نَضرَةً
وَجادَت عَلَيهِ الرائِحاتُ الهَواتِكُ

19. With every dripping cloud of springtime its flowers
For him are pearls in the two cheekbones

١٩. بِكُلِّ حَثيثِ الوَبلِ زَهرٍ غَمامُهُ
لَهُ دِرَرٌ بِالقَسطَلَينِ حَواشِكُ

20. As you have blessed the believers with clouds
Abu Khalid, upon you peace the angels

٢٠. كَما قَد عَمَمتَ المُؤمِنينَ بِنائِلٍ
أَبا خالِدٍ صَلَّت عَلَيكَ المَلائِكُ

21. What is wrong with me has come to you, for it is
Reproach, Abu Marwan, while my heart is pleased

٢١. وَما يَكُ مِنّي قَد أَتاكَ فَإِنَّهُ
عِتابٌ أَبا مَروانَ وَالقَلبُ سادِكُ