1. Is it from Umm Amr's abode in Al-Kharaiq the homes
Yes, homes long abandoned whose traces time outwore
١. أَمِن أُمِّ عَمروٍ بِالخَريقِ دِيارُ
نَعَم دارِساتٌ قَد عَفَونَ قِفارُ
2. Another in Dhi Al-Mashrooḥ from the belly of Bishah
Where barking dogs startle the quiet no more
٢. وَأُخرى بِذي المَشروحِ مِن بَطنِ بِيشَةٍ
بِها لِمَطافيلِ النِّهاجِ صِوارُ
3. You see it, though the friend has gone, as if
With its two protruding proboscises, a robe it wore
٣. تَرَاها وَقَد خَفَّ الأَنيسُ كَأَنَّها
بِمُندَفِعِ الخُرطومَتينِ إِزارُ
4. So I swore I'll not forget you as long as I live a night
Though homes crumble and tombs decay evermore
٤. فَأَقسَمتُ لا أَنساكِ ما عِشتُ لَيلَةً
وَإِن شاحَطَت دارٌ وَشَطَّ مَزارُ
5. I love you as long as Nejd and Shayjah stand
As long as the camel's saddle its seat does score
٥. أُحِبُّكِ ما دامَت بِنَجدٍ وَشيجَةٌ
وَما ثَبَتَت أُبلى بِهِ وَتِعارُ
6. As long as the desert's mirage flows and as long as
The wild deer's wrists unbound by rope run before
٦. وَما اِستنَّ رَقراقُ السَرابِ وَما جَرَت
مِنَ الوَحشِ عَصماءُ اليَدينِ نَوارُ
7. And as long as the clouds rain goodness on Tihamah
Gladdening hearts nomadic and settled folklore
٧. وَما سالَ وادٍ مِن تِهامَةَ طيبٌ
بِهِ قُلبٌ عادِيَّةٌ وَكِرارُ
8. Sakah gave them from Al-Jawzah and the bucket left behind
Maidens pure their beauty no elegy to deplore
٨. سَقاها مِنَ الجوزاءِ وَالدَّلوِ خِلَفَةً
مَباكيرُ لَم يُندِب بِهِنَّ صِرارُ
9. With pearls of chaste virgins from Muzain they have
When dusk descends, dust their raiment does pour
٩. بِدُرَّةِ أَبكارٍ مِنَ المُزنِ ما لَها
إِذا ما اِستَهلَّت بِالنِجادِ غَوارُ
10. In them, though the heart loves them, are breasts
When met by them, my reason and senses no more
١٠. وَفيها عَلى أَنَّ الفُؤادَ يُحِبُّها
صُدودٌ إِذا لاقَيتُها وَذِرارُ
11. I come to you true to my vow to your abode I walk
While my steps to where you dwell lead me evermore
١١. وَإِنّي لَآتيكُم عَلى كَلِمِ العِدا
وَأَمشي وَفي المَمشى إِلَيكِ مُشارُ