
Does the ruins of Salma revive with yearning?

أأطلال سلمى باللوى تتعهد

1. Does the ruins of Salma revive with yearning?
When we stopped, hearts writhing,

١. أَأَطلالُ سَلمى بِاللَوى تَتَعَهَّدُ

2. Tears pouring, ribs trembling,
Between sobbing and wailing, a burning sensation,

٢. وَلَمّا وَقَفنا والقُلوبُ عَلى الغَضا
وَلِلدَّمعِ سَحٌّ وَالفَرائِصُ تُرعَدُ

3. Where the wounds are, if they speak they cool down
I tell the tears, flow more, perhaps

٣. وَبَينَ التَراقي وَاللَهاةِ حَرارَةٌ
مَكانَ الشَجا ما إِن تَبوحُ فَتُبرَدُ

4. With the unseen of the absent love it will witness
I did not know the eye before parting

٤. أَقولُ لِماءِ العينِ أَمعِن لَعَلَّه
بِما لا يُرى مِن غائِبِ الوَجدِ يَشهَدُ

5. The day after passion from the intensity of love freeze
I have not seen an eye more stingy with its tears about me

٥. فَلَم أَدرِ أَنَّ العَين قَبلَ فِراقِها
غَداةَ الشَبا مِن لاعِجِ الوَجدِ تَجمدُ

6. Nor anyone envying me more about tears
Separation equalized on me, that it did not see me

٦. وَلَم أَرَ مِثلَ العَينِ ضَنَّت بِمائِها
عَليَّ وَلا مِثلي عَلى الدَمعِ يَحسُدُ

7. I cried but no place was left for the woeful
When dawn approached they called to depart

٧. وَساوى عَليَّ البَينُ أَن لَم يَرينَني
بَكيتُ وَلَم يُترَك لِذي الشَجوِ مَقعَدُ

8. So we got up miserable, their walking loving
To a group like the hump, no longer

٨. وَلَمَا تَدانى الصُبحُ نادوا بِرحلَةٍ
فَقُمنَ كَسالى مَشيُهُنَّ تأَوُّدُ

9. A dwelling from past years, and the paved courtyard
To every neighing of the winds as if

٩. إِلى جِلَّةٍ كَالهُضبِ لَم تَعدُ أَنَّها
بِوازِلُ عامٍ وَالسَديسُ المعبَّدُ

10. It is complaining of throat dryness or conspiring
Their snouts leak water as if it

١٠. إلى كُلِّ هَجهاجِ الرَواحِ كَأَنَّهُ
شَكجٍ بِلَهاةِ الحَلقِ أَو مُتَكَيِّدُ

11. Is knotted to the drinking bowl's rim
And they are saddled, adorned with finery

١١. تَمُجُّ ذَقاريهُنَّ ماءَ كَأَنَّهُ
عَصيمٌ عَلى جارِ السَوَالِفِ مُعقَدُ

12. As vegetation adorned with necklaces intertwined
They trotted until I said they are not organisms

١٢. وَهُنَّ مُناخاتٌ يُجَلَّلنَ زينَةً
كَما اِقتانَ بِالنَّبتِ العَهادُ المُجَوَّدُ

13. And melted like heated copper
Scattering perfume and musk holding back

١٣. تَأطّرنَ حَتّى قُلتُ لَسنَ بَوارِحًا
وَذُبنَ كَما ذابَ السَديفُ المَسَرهَدُ

14. With it a menstruating woman or a pregnant one
And they gathered hastily and left me

١٤. عَبيرًا وَمِسكًا مانَه الرَشحُ رادِعًا
بِهِ مِحجَرٌ أَو عارِضٌ يَتَفَصَّدُ

15. With the uproar of ruination standing confused
As passion excited them in the evening

١٥. وَأَجمَعنَ بَينًا عاجِلاً وَتَرَكنَني
بِفيفا خُرَيمٍ قائِمًا أَتَلَدَّدُ

16. For it while it has shackled hands tied
So I was infatuated when they arrived at our ruin

١٦. كَما هاجَ إِلفٌ صابِحاتٍ عَشيةً
لَهُ وَهوَ مَصفودُ اليَدَينِ مُقَيَّدُ

17. While they were at fervid water even farther
By Allah I do not know if it was muddy they agreed on

١٧. فَقَد فُتنَني لَمّا وَرَدن خَفينَنا
وَهُنَّ عَلى ماءٍ حراضة أبعد

18. Or fresh sharp water they went down to
Just yesterday they did not return the like of their beauty to a dale

١٨. فو الله ما أَدري أَطيَخًا تَواعدوا
لِتِمِّ ظَمٍ أَم ماءَ حَدَةَ أَورَدوا

19. By my life, the morning is rough on the youth who endures
And that she-camel knew that you

١٩. وَبِالأَمسِ ما رَدُّوا لِبينٍ جِمالَهُم
لَعَمري فَعيلَ الصَّبَ مَن يَتَجَلَّدُ

20. Whenever you tread the path of guidance become ardent

٢٠. وَقَد عَلِمَت تِلكَ المَطِيَّةُ أَنَّكُم
مَتى تَسلُكوا فَيفا رَشادٍ تَخوَّدوا