
What is it, my Lord, that you guarantee the misguided one,

ما بال مولى أنت ضامن غيه

1. What is it, my Lord, that you guarantee the misguided one,
So when you see righteousness, it does not see what you see.

١. ما بالُ مولىً أَنتَ ضامِنُ غَيّهِ
فَإِذا رَأَيتَ الرُشدَ لَم يَرَ ما تَرى

2. And you see efforts rendered futile in his eyes,
Like generosity - it rains down wherever it senses fertile soil.

٢. وَتَرى المَساعي عِندَهُ مَطلولَةً
كَالجودِ يُمطِرُ ما يُحَسُّ له ثَرَى

3. So may God reward between us our deeds,
And the conscience of our souls, and repay whoever deserves.

٣. فالله يَجزي بَينَنا أَعمالَنا
وَضَميرَ أَنفُسِنا وَيُوَفي مَن جَزى