1. The daughter of conscience remains in the shadow of blessing
When she walked atop a lofty palace
١. تَظَلُّ اِبنَةُ الضَمري في ظِلِّ نِعمَة
إِذا ما مَشَت مِن فوقِ صَرحٍ مُمَرَّدِ
2. The morning breeze brings her scent every night
And dreams gather us in every bed
٢. يِجيءُ بِرَيّاها الصَبّا كُلَّ لَيلَةٍ
وَتَجمَعُنا الأَحلامُ في كَلِّ مَرقَدِ
3. We offer ourselves as sacrifices and the blazing hearth kindles us
With a pull towards the burning trap
٣. ونُضحي وَأثباجُ المضيّ مَقِيلُنا
بِجَذبٍ بنا في الصَيهَدِ المُتَوَقِّدِ
4. Take vengeance, O mother of Amr whose blood was shed
So the deed of the intentional killer will suffice you
٤. أَقيدي دَمًا يا أُمَّ عمروٍ هرَقتِهِ
فَيَكفيك فِعلُ القاتِلِ المُتَعَمِّدِ
5. And they will not exceed what they have reached with a rider
Of frequent journeys coming and going
٥. وَلن يَتَعَدّى ما بَلَغتُم بِراكبٍ
زِوَرَّةَ أَسفارٍ تَروحُ وَتَغتَدي
6. So she remained at the edges of the wastelands searching
For her rendezvous and got used to every fugitive
٦. فَظَلَّت بِأَكنافِ الغُراباتِ تَبتَغي
مِظَنَّتها وَاِستَمَرَأت كُلَّ مُرتَدِ
7. With pieces of wood from the end of night she turned
And sought by it a night without appointment
٧. وَذا خُشُبٍ مِن آخِرِ الليلِ قَلَّبَت
وَتَبغي بِه لَيلاً عَلى غَيرِ مَوعِدِ
8. Conveying the expanse of wilderness, covering herself
Riding a fast steed fleeing the horror
٨. مُناقِلَةً عُرضَ الفَيافي شِمِلَّةً
مَطِيَّةَ قَذافٍ عَلى الهَولِ مَبعَدِ
9. So she passed a night as an angry gale
Piercing the darkness going to al-Khadid
٩. فَمَرَّت بِليلٍ وَهيَ شَدفاءُ عاصِف
بِمُنخَرَقِ الدَوداءِ مَرَّ الخَفَيدَدِ
10. And my friend said, "You have fallen into what you see
And have given an excuse in wrongdoing so head straight
١٠. وَقالَ خَليلَي قَد وَقعتَ بِما تَرى
وَأَبلَغتَ عُذرًا في البغايَةِ فَاِقصِدِ
11. So Hattem threw spears at the beasts flocking
Between al-Buhayr screaming aloud
١١. فَحَتَّامَ جوبُ البيدِ بِالعيسِ تَرتَمي
تَنائِفَ ما بَينَ البُحَيرِ فَصَرخَدِ
12. So I said to him, "You have not fulfilled what you intended
And have not come with captives taken at spearpoint
١٢. فَقُلتُ لَهُ لَم تَقضِ ما عَمَدَت لَهُ
وَلَم تَأتِ أَصرامًا بِبُرقَةِ مُنشَدِ
13. So he returned dragging his robe in the morning
To Burqah of al-Kharja from early next day
١٣. فَأَصبَحَ يِرتَدُ الجَميمَ بِرابِغٍ
إلى بُرقَةِ الخَرجاءَ مِن ضَحوَةِ الغد
14. By my life, her abode has become clear and her grave manifest
A dear woman who is neither lost nor distant
١٤. لَعَمري لَقد بانَت وَشَطَّ مَزارُها
عُزيزَةَ لا تَفقِد وَلا تَتَبَعَّدِ
15. When she sits in a gathering among the people of a village
While my family is between exterior facades and ruins
١٥. إِذا أَصبَحَت في الجِلسِ في أَهلِ قَريَةٍ
وَأَصبَحَ أَهلي بَينَ شَطبٍ فَبَدبَدِ
16. And I come to you, and I will certainly return
Without satisfaction from you, I have not been provisioned
١٦. وَإِنّي لآتيكُم وَإِنّي لَراجِعٌ
بِغَيرِ الجَوى مِن عِندِكُم لَم أُزَوَّدِ
17. If one day we part from you, and I meet him
I hope to meet you again in greater bliss
١٧. إِذا دَبَرانٌ مِنكِ يوماً لَقِتُهُ
أُؤَمِّلُ أَن أَلقاكِ بَعدُ بِأَسعُدِ
18. But if the soul despairs or passion ceases
Despair of you, not with endurance
١٨. فَإِن تَسلُ النَفسُ أَو تَدَعِ الهَوى
فَبِاليأسِ تَسلو عَنكِ لا بِالتَجَلُّدِ
19. And every friend who saw me says
"For your sake this lovesick one raves today or tomorrow"
١٩. وَكُلُّ خَليلٍ راءَني فَهوَ قائِلٌ
مِن اجلِكِ هَذا هامَةُ اليومِ أَو غَدِ