
I say, and the glories of Rabigh have passed,

أقول وقد جاوزن من صدر رابغ

1. I say, and the glories of Rabigh have passed,
Their grandeur raising the dunes' tips.

١. أَقولُ وَقَد جاوَزنَ مِن صَدرِ رابِغٍ
مَهامِه غُبراً يَرفَعُ الأُكمَ آلُها

2. Is it Al-Hayy or Seyran's abode which vied
In building a palace and settling its north side?

٢. أَأَلحَيُّ أَم صِيرانُ دَومٍ تَناوَحَت
بِتَريَمَ قَصراً وَاِستَحَثَّت شِمالُها

3. When Salma's caravan passed by Rabigh,
And stirred up dormant hearts by its leaving,

٣. أَرى حينَ زالَت عيرُ سَلمى بِرابِغٍ
وَهاجَ القُلوبَ الساكِناتِ زَوالَها

4. It seemed teardrops had infiltrated
Pure white shells, yearning for its beauty.

٤. كَأَنَّ دُموعَ العَينِ لَمّا تَخَلَّلَت
مَخارِمَ بيضاً مِن تَمَنّي جِمالُها

5. They bid farewell at sunset, when it removed
The tents, and folded its abode.

٥. قَبِلنَ غُروباً مِن سُمَيحَةَ أَنزَعَت
بِهِنَّ السَواني وَاِستَدارَ مَحالُها

6. By your life! The eye turns not from grace
To Salma, well-guided are its gazes to her.

٦. لَعَمرُكَ إِنَّ العَينَ عَن غَيرِ نِعمَةٍ
كَذاكَ إِلى سَلمى لَمُهدىً سِجالُها

7. I excuse you for Salma, because of the folly of youth,
And its infatuation when her shadows grow on you.

٧. عَذَرتُكَ في سَلمى بِآنِفَةِ الصِبا
وَمَيعَتِهِ إِذ تَزدَهيكَ ظِلالُها

8. One who claims I doubt, though desire deceived him,
The edges of my reputation and beauty blunt his blades.

٨. وَمُلتَمِسٍ مِنّي الشَكِيَّةَ غَرَّهُ
لِيانُ حَواشي شيمَتي وَجَمالُها

9. I cast with the tips of glass but he did not awaken
From ignorance until her swords judged him.

٩. رَمَيتُ بِأَطرافِ الزجاجِ فَلَم يُفِق
عَن الجَهلِ حَتّى حَكَّمتهُ نِصالُها

10. A generous man one day wanted my generosity
And the lesson of my love – can he attain it?

١٠. وَذي كَرَمٍ يَوماً أَرادَ كَرامَتي
وَعَربَةَ وُدّي رَغبَةً هَل يَنالُها

11. I gave him an example, and every greeting
From a person is reciprocated with its like.

١١. بَذَلتُ لَهُ مِثلاً وَكُلَّ تَحِيَّةٍ
مِنَ المَرءِ مَردودٌ عَلَيهِ مِثالُها