1. They said tomorrow we will come to the abode of passion
An abode of those whose people are the people of peace
١. قالوا غداً نأتي ديار الحمى
ديار من هم أهل سلمى همو
2. So the heart looks upon them with passion
And the caravan descends with their songs
٢. فينظر القلب إليهم بهم
وينزل الركب بمغناهمو
3. And all who were obedient to them
And were passionate about their remembrance
٣. وكل من كان مطيعاً لهم
وكان مشغوفاً بذكراهمو
4. If they came to them fearful
They would wake up delighted by their encounter
٤. فإنه إن جاءهم خائفاً
أصبح مسروراً بلقياهمو
5. I said "So what is my sin that I cannot
I fear they will expel me from them
٥. قلت فلي ذنب فما حيلتي
أخشى بأن يطردني عنهمو
6. I have shame before them and I am shy
With what face could I encounter them?"
٦. عندي الحيا منهم ولي خجلة
بأي وجه أتلقّاهمو
7. They said "Is not forgiveness their way
And how many servants gained deliverance through them
٧. قالوا أليس العفو من شأنهم
وكم نجا عبد رجا منهمو
8. And pardoning is always their morals
Especially from those who hope in them
٨. والصفح من أخلاقهم دائماً
لا سيما ممن ترجّاهمو