1. Two threads - one white, which is existence
And the black non-existence, appearing and returning
١. خيطان خيط أبيض وهو الوجودْ
والعدم الأسود يبدو ويعودْ
2. Both are like the flash of lightning, manifest
To the knower of truth, for whom there is witnessing
٢. كلاهما كلمع برق ظاهر
لعارف محقق له الشهود
3. The weaving of the Truth into the garment of His creation
His command casts forth into types of limitations
٣. حياكة الحق لثوب خلقه
يقذف أمره لأنواع الحدود
4. A lengthy, wide, expansive garment
Worn by the Truth upon us in the form of coolness
٤. ثوب طويل وعريض واسع
يلبسه الحق بنا شكل البرود
5. And there is nothing other than the white thread
Which is existence, the Real, from the dawn of pillars
٥. وليس غير الأبيض الخيط الذي
هو الوجود الحق من فجر العمود
6. And eating and drinking has been made lawful for us
So that we may see the whiteness from the thread of existence
٦. وقد أبيح الأكل والشرب لنا
حتى نرى البياض من خيط الوجود
7. For if we do see it, then no eating and no
Drinking, but the quality of the All-Sustaining Lord
٧. فإن رأيناه فلا أكل ولا
شرب ولكن صفة الرب الصمود
8. Until the setting of His light from us and from
All that we see of white and black
٨. إلى غروب نوره عنا وعن
جميع ما نراه من بيض وسود
9. Say with me: Blessed is God, to Whom
Belongs fasting, and through Whom delegates return
٩. قولوا معي تبارك الله الذي
له الصيام وبه يجزي الوفود
10. As the Chosen One narrated to us in the
Sacred hadith from the Lord, The Gentle Friend
١٠. كما أتانا في حديث المصطفى
بالخبر القدسي عن رب ودود