
The herald of joy has sung for us and trilled

غنى لنا داعي السرور وغردا

1. The herald of joy has sung for us and trilled,
So he entertains in the morning, announcing openly.

١. غنى لنا داعي السرور وغردا
فسمتعه في الصبح يعلن بالنِدا

2. So I established in my heart a prayer of my greeting
For the face of that beloved when it appears.

٢. فأقمت في قلبي صلاة تحيتي
للوجه من ذاك الحبيب إذا بدا

3. It is the face of the evident light for whoever sees,
Oh happiness of one who loves the beloved devoutly!

٣. وجه هو النور المبين لمن يرى
يا سعد من يهوى الحبيب تعبدا

4. We are the vessels for Him; with us He is manifold,
And He is the real existence wherever abstraction took place.

٤. نحن الدهان له بنا متلون
وهو الوجود الحق حيث تجردا

5. It is a rosebud - say, our sky is like a vessel
It was as if the Qur’an, the most eloquent scene.

٥. هي وردة قل كالدهان سماؤنا
كانت كما القرآن أفصح مشهدا

6. So we see Him dying us with sheer eternal will,
As He has required over the course of time.

٦. فنراه يصبغنا بمحض إرادة
أزلية كيف اقتضته على المدى

7. He effaces and affirms whatever He wants with His existence,
Like the sea with its waves has not appeared in vain.

٧. يمحو ويثبت ما يشا بوجوده
كالبحر بالأمواج لم يظهر سدى

8. And He is ever transcendent and most sacred
From everything, manifold and diverse.

٨. وهو المنزه والمقدس دائماً
عن كل شيء كثرةً وتعددا

9. It is the baptism of God that has come to us
In the Remembrance we know it despite enmity.

٩. هي صبغة الله التي جاءت لنا
في الذكر نعرفها على رغم العدا

10. And it is the affair of His that has come to us,
The text of the Book hints at it, delineated.

١٠. وهي الشؤن له التي قد جاءنا
نص الكتاب بها يلوح محددا

11. God is greatest after all this!
O knowers, be certain and take guidance!

١١. الله أكبر بعد هذا كله
يا عارفون تحققوا وخذوا الهدى