
O Merciful to the grey-haired in his greyness

يا راحم الشيب في شيبه

1. O Merciful to the grey-haired in his greyness
O Abundantly Generous to those who appeal to You

١. يا راحم الشيب في شيبِهِ
ويا كثير الفيض من سيبِهِ

2. I have offered myself to You, so be gentle with me
Who would buy a slave despite his flaws?

٢. بعتك نفسي فترفق بها
من يشتري العبد على عيبه

3. My sins have certainly become many
So they have cast my heart into doubt

٣. إن ذنوبي عظمت كثرة
فأوقعت قلبيَ في ريبه

4. Your servant has been hidden from himself
O He Who is Apparent in His unseen domain

٤. وقد خفي عبدك عن نفسه
يا من هو الظاهر في غيبه

5. Reveal Yourself to him and be his helper
In his inadequacy and greyness

٥. فاكشف له عنك وكن عونه
في عجزه هذا وفي شيبه

6. Stretch out a white hand and steer him with it
My Master, into Your fold

٦. أخرج يداً بيضاء فاسلك بها
للعبد يا مولاي في جيبه

7. And do not leave him to his peers
For he sees his peers, not You, in his youth

٧. ولا تكله للسوى إنه
يرى السوى دونك في صيبه