
I exist, and by existing I bring into being

إنني كن وإنني فيكون

1. I exist, and by existing I bring into being
The One, manifest through all that is seen

١. إنني كن وإنني فيكونْ
واحد وهو ظاهرٌ بشئونْ

2. Existence itself, all else but fantasy
When He decreed “Be!” and so it was, had been

٢. كن وجود وغيره عدم
عنه كنَّى بقوله فيكونْ

3. His face decrees “Be!” none can eternity shun
Naught but Him has substance, comprehend what I mean

٣. وجهه كن وهالك أبداً
ما سواه فحقق المضمونْ

4. Witness Him in all, and in Him find the real
Beyond all that minds perceive or e'en what eyes glean

٤. واشهد الحق في سواه به
وهو غيب عن كل ما يعنونْ

5. His Will is One, by it many forms shone
Of creation, yet His Essence knows no gene

٥. أمره واحد به كثرت
صور الخلق وهو ذات فنونْ

6. See all as One, differ not, be not misled
Or if you wish, distinguish, but don't be green

٦. فاجمع الكل بالشهود وإن
شئت فرق ولا تكن مفتونْ

7. He has inner dimensions beyond count
And dimensions in us past our demesne

٧. قل بطون له الظهور بنا
وظهور لنا بذاك بطونْ

8. If you would perish, say none but He is
In His guarded Tablet, pruned clean

٨. إن تكن فانياً فقل هو لا
غيره في كتابه المكنونْ

9. Our Lord Allah, none else, now or to e'er been
His Essence is Ancient, Ever New, Evergreen

٩. ربنا الله لا سواه هنا
وهو عين قديمة وعيونْ

10. All that appears owes being to His Grace
He is Truth Itself, all else childish preen

١٠. حادثات به له ظهرت
وهو حق وكلهن ظنونْ

11. Know well your state, and that you and all things are He
Share freely your knowledge, fear no loss thereby,

١١. فاعقل الشان وهو نفسك مع
كل شيء فليس ذاك جنونْ

12. Don't be a miser, else you shall harvest spleen
Whoever keeps secret the Words He Has Lit

١٢. وامنح الصادقين علمك لا
تخف شيئاً فتمنع الماعونْ

13. Is cursed, make no mistake, know what I mean

١٣. كل من يكتم الذي هو في
محكم الذكر إنه ملعونْ