1. The robe uncovers His essence for me a tailor
And Allah surrounds them from behind
١. يشف ثوب عنه لي مخيطُ
والله من ورائهم محيطُ
2. The robe of existence uncovers His existence
Whether that is combined or simple
٢. ثوب الورى يشف عن وجوده
مركَّب ذلك أو بسيط
3. So he assumes the robe is for him
While Allah surrounds him with it
٣. فيحسب الثوب بأنه له
وإنما الله به يحيط
4. O you who intends to perform Hajj to the House of his Lord
With his heart while he is humble and lowly
٤. يا من يروم حجَّ بيتِ ربِّه
بالقلب وهو عاجز حطيط
5. In his Arafat, stopping is a condition
Talbiyah, and the robe is removed
٥. في عرفاته الوقوف شرطه
تلبية ويُنزَعُ المخيط
6. For it is ihram, and ihram if
Missed, there is no Hajj, that would be deception
٦. فإنه الإحرام والإحرام إن
فات فلا حج هو التخبيط
7. God is Greatest, Who has no
Father, so that is a bastard foundling
٧. الله أكبر الذي ليس له
أب فذاك ابن زنى لقيط
8. He walks by himself according to his desire
And how many obstacles has he jumped over
٨. يمشي بنفسه على مراده
والعقبات كم بها سقيط
9. And he does not know them and drinks what
He sees as water or thick blood
٩. وليس يدريها ويشرب الذي
يراه ماء أو دم عبيط
10. The forms of creatures are always
Deletion and affirmation, that is the planning
١٠. إن رسوم الكائنات دائماً
محوٌ وإثباتٌ هي التخطيط
11. Fates all from nonexistence
Were ordained, fleeting surround it
١١. مقدرات كلها من عدم
قُدِّرَ هاربٌ بها محيط
12. It has no existence except the existence of its Lord
For through Him it has its apportionment
١٢. وما لها إلا وجود ربها
فإنها به لها تقسيط
13. Do not say solved or do not say both
United, for your understanding is feeble
١٣. ولا تقل حلَّ ولا تقل هما
متحدان فهمُكَ العمريط
14. For all this is words from one
Who slept and snored in his sleep
١٤. فإن هذا كله كلام من
نام له في نومه غطيط
15. How can the existence of our Lord be in nonexistence
Can it be said solved or they are mixed?
١٥. كيف وجود ربنا في عدم
يقال حلَّ أو هما خليط
16. So understand my words and believe them or do not
Let your weak intellect defeat you
١٦. فافهم كلامي واعتقده أو فلا
يغلبْ عليك عقلُك السقيط
17. And you disbelieve the truth about its people
Without knowledge and yours is the nonsense
١٧. فتجحد الحق على أصحابه
بغير علم ولك الأطيط
18. Disbelief necessarily accompanies disbelief of what
You disbelieve and the useless deed
١٨. والكفر لازم على جحود ما
تجحده والعملُ الحبيط
19. While you are prisoner of darkness and deviation
And your confident soul is shackled
١٩. وأنت مأسور الظلام والردى
ونفسك الموثوقة الربيط
20. You missed the caravan which set out
The light of guidance and you missed the mixture
٢٠. وفاتك الركب الذي يمموا
نور الهدى وفاتك الخليط
21. While you are wearing a thick fur
And the people's clothing is fine jewelry and ribbons
٢١. وأنت لابس غليظ فروة
والقوم لبسهم حلىً وريط
22. The hidden ones succeeded, those who have
No thought or care for others except themselves
٢٢. فاز المخفون الذين ما لهم
في غيرهم ظن ولا تفريط
23. From it harm, they intend to uncover
One of them is many in existence
٢٣. وما لهم شغل بغير نفسهم
عنها الأذى هموا بأن يميطو
24. And in perfections he is active
He wakes in good and sleeps safely
٢٤. واحدهم هو الكثير في الورى
وفي الكمالات هو النشيط
25. And he has no deception for others
٢٥. يصبح في خير ويمسي سالماً
وما له لغيره تغليط