1. Existence appeared out of nonexistence
And events began from eternity
١. ظهر الوجود من العدمْ
وبدا الحدوث من القِدَمْ
2. And the signs came of Him
Who created creatures as flesh and blood
٢. وأتت تباشير الذي
خلق الورى لحماً ودم
3. All is vanishing, what has
No head to stand or foot to walk
٣. والكل فان ما له
رأس يقوم ولا قدم
4. He alone is everlasting who perceived
The fragrance of existence and no regret
٤. هو ثابت ما شم را
ئحة الوجود ولا ندم
5. Existence presumed itself
So it built upon itself and collapsed
٥. ظن الوجود لنفسه
فبنى عليه فانهدم