1. Meanings appeared in us, letters whose lines
Perplexed our minds, unable to grasp their import
١. معان بدت فينا حروف سطورها
وقد أعجزت أفهامنا عن خطورها
2. Beckoning to us in us then hiding away
So we are expelled from ourselves by the blowing of their images
٢. تلوح بنا فينا لنا ثم تختفي
فيحشرنا عنا لها نفخ صورها
3. When Moses' intellect sought to behold them they refused
Yet for him their perfection was completed atop the mount
٣. إذا رام موسى العقل ينظرها أبت
ولكن له قد كملت فوق طورها
4. The people killed themselves in passionate love of them
And wasted their claims, captives of their own delusion
٤. أمات عليها القوم أنفسهم هوى
وأفنوا دعاوى هم أسارى غرورها
5. So by them they were in a garden hastened for them
Allowing them to enjoy through them in them in its castles
٥. فكانوا بها في جنة عجلت لهم
تمتعهم منهم بهم في قصورها
6. Blessed is the heart receiving revelation therein
With signs of truth, repealing its psalms
٦. تبارك قلب وحيها فيه نازل
بآيات حق ناسخ لزبورها
7. Sublime is the youth who knows the beauty of its attributes
Above the cherubs and houris of the Gardens
٧. وجل فتى يدري جمال صفاتها
على وجه ولدان الجنان وحورها
8. A gazelle of the heart's meadow glancing at us with eyes
That steal away patience, fearful of its aloofness
٨. غزالة روض القلب ترنو بأعين
إلينا فتنفي الصبر خوف نفورها
9. It appeared with a face of light, dazzling all creation
And I am veiled from it behind curtains
٩. تبدت بوجه نوره بهر الورى
وقد سترتني عنه خلف ستورها
10. Were it not for the water of bashfulness on its face
Defending me, I'd have burned from its light
١٠. ولو لم يكن ماء الحياء بوجهها
يدافع عني لاحترقت بنورها