
I have a people who are known for their passion

لي بالحمى قوم عرفت بصبهم

1. I have a people who are known for their passion
And when I'm sick, my recovery is in their medicine

١. لي بالحمى قوم عُرفت بصبِّهم
وإذا مرضت فصحتي في طبِّهم

2. A generous people, enraptured by their Lord
They knew I was truthful in my love for them

٢. قوم كرام هائمون بربهم
علموا بأني صادق في حبِّهم

3. And they realized my beautiful patience so they tortured me
O Saad, take the love from me as he has taken mine

٣. وتحققوا صبري الجميل فعذَّبوا
يا سعد خذ عني الهوى وله فَعِي

4. Know that the people are the people of the horizon
Beautiful faces hidden behind the veil

٤. اعلمْ بأن القوم أهل المطلع
حضرات وجه غائب في البرقع

5. They descended to the valley of my ribs
And denied my glance, veiling themselves

٥. نزلوا بوادي المنحنى من أضلعي
وتمنّعوا عن مقلتي وتحجبوا

6. They are in my heart, my heart is with them
And when I express passion, they express theirs

٦. هم عند قلبي بل وقلبي عندهم
وإذا بثثت الوجد بثوا وجدهم

7. And with me I see them, never leaving their pursuit
My fortunes blessed when they accepted me as their servant

٧. ومعي أراهم لا أفارق قصدهم
سعدت حظوظي إذ رضوني عبدهم

8. And I pride myself in being related to them

٨. والفخر لي أني إليهم أنسب