1. I am amazed by two things that
All people's minds have agreed upon.
١. عجبت من شيئين قد أجمعت
عليهما كل عقول الأنامْ
2. The first is the nonexistent, which
God has removed the description of nonexistence from.
٢. فالأول المعدوم من كل شَيْ
أزال عنه الله وصف انعدامْ
3. So it has become existent and has taken on
An evident description of existence for all people.
٣. فصار موجوداً وأضحى له
وصفَ وجودٍ ظاهرٍ للعوام
4. So wonder at a described one who is denied
While his enduring description has no ambiguity.
٤. فاعجب لموصوفٍ هو المنتفي
ووصفه الثابت دون انبهام
5. By whom do you see the description has now stood
Realize, O people, these words.
٥. بمن ترى الوصف غدا قائماً
تحققوا يا قوم هذا الكلام
6. And the second is the True Existent Being Who
Has determined all creation with harmony.
٦. والآخر الحق الوجود الذي
قَدَّر كل الخلق بالإنتظام
7. How, with His nonexistences, has He become
Described, while the intellect therein is an imam?
٧. كيف بمعدوماته قد غدا
متصفاً والعقل فيها إمام
8. To the point that transcendence from them through Him
Has required this matter to arbitration.
٨. حتى بدا التنزيه عنها به
واحتاج هذا الأمر للإختصام
9. And only the All-Powerful One, and He
Whose actions proceed by decree.
٩. وإنما القهار وهو الذي
أفعاله تجرى بحكم المرام
10. So the intellect emerges unto what He wills
Of meanings whether with illumination or darkness
١٠. فيطلع العقل على ما يشا
من المعاني عن ضيا أو ظلام
11. By His disposal therein however
He has willed, no objection nor blame.
١١. تصرُّفاً منه به كيفما
أراد لا عتبٌ كما لا ملام