1. Our sorrows turned to joy upon seeing you,
And our time became a goblet with you as its wine.
١. أحزاننا بلقائكم أفراحُ
وزماننا قدح وأنتم راحُ
2. O masters, remembering whom brings us comfort,
Souls yearn for you forever.
٢. يا سادة من ذكرهم نرتاحُ
أبداً تحن إليكم الأرواحُ
3. Being with you is their bliss and relief.
Your existence illuminates this whole universe,
٣. ووصالكم ريحانها والراحُ
هذا الوجود جميعه إشراقكم
4. And all in the cosmos are your lovers.
That is not how it is, my masters.
٤. وجميع من في الكون هم عشاقكم
ما هكذا يا سادتي أخلاقكم
5. The hearts of those loyal to you long for you,
And find relief in your sweet company.
٥. وقلوب أهل ودادكم تشتاقكم
وإلى لذيذ لقائكم ترتاح
6. Who knows you? Who recognizes you?
You are the truth of all that's described.
٦. من ذا ترى يدري بكم من يعرف
أنتم حقيقة كل شيء يوصف
7. Passion prevails! Where is the helpful ally?
Have mercy on the lovers.
٧. غلب الهوى أين المعين المسعف
وارحمتا للعاشقين تكلفوا
8. Veil their love and passion, which brought disgrace.
A people of purity, their water unmingled,
٨. ستر المحبة والهوى فضاح
قوم صفا عما يغاير ماؤهم
9. Inclining to none but you.
They concealed you until their innermost being denied you.
٩. وإليك من دون السوى إيماؤهم
كتموك حتى أنكرت أحشاؤهم
10. If they confide their secret, their blood is fair game.
Thus the blood of those who confess is fair game.
١٠. بالسر إن باحوا تباح دماؤهم
وكذا دماء البائحين تباح
11. The fragrance of reunion wafts from them.
As for the others, they are contemptible nobodies.
١١. عَرْف الوصال يفوح فينا منهمُ
وسواهم المستحقرون فمن هم
12. A people of noble, perplexing spiritual states.
When they become distracted, they conceal it.
١٢. قوم لهم حال شريف مبهم
فإذا همو كتموا تحدث عنهم
13. Tears flow from the slanderers about them.
Those who understand extol their attributes,
١٣. عند الوشاة المدمع السفاح
أوصافهم يسمو بها من يفهمُ
14. They are the remedy to evil and balm.
All knowledge and sciences are with them.
١٤. وهم الدواء من الردى والمرهم
كل المعارف والعلوم لديهم
15. And they have clear proofs for the sick.
In them lies explication of their perplexing affair.
١٥. وكذا شواهد للسقام عليهم
فيها لمشكل أمرهم إيضاح
16. My masters, I bid you peace.
For I am prostrate before you,
١٦. يا سادتي مني السلام إليكمُ
فأنا هو المطروح بين يديكم
17. Cast out far from all but you.
I lower my wing to you, not over you.
١٧. ومن الجميع على البعاد لديكم
خفض الجناح لكم وليس عليكم
18. For the ardently devoted lover to lower his wing brings joy.
Your beauty inhabits every heart,
١٨. للصب في خفض الجناح جناح
لجمالكم في كل قلب ساحة
19. Our flowers bloom from your breeze's fragrance.
Can the anguished one find relief in your abandonment?
١٩. وزهورنا بنسيمكم فواحة
هل للمتيم من جفاكم راحة
20. His soul finds rest in your company,
His eyes aspire to your approval.
٢٠. فإلى لقاكم نفسه مرتاحة
وإلى رضاكم طرفه طماح
21. The turbidity of tribulations has lifted from the eye of sincerity.
And the beauty of my beloved appeared after the concealment.
٢١. كدر الحوادث زال عن عين الصفا
وبدا جمال أحبتي بعد الخفا
22. So by the right of that pact, O people of loyalty,
Return the light of union from the darkness of estrangement.
٢٢. فبحق ذاك العهد يا أهل الوفا
عودوا بنور الوصل من غسق الجفا
23. For estrangement is night, and reunion, dawn.
Their assemblage delighted in its hospitality.
٢٣. فالهجر ليل والوصال صباح
قد راق في حان الوفا مشروبهم
24. And their beloved made lawful their union.
Sufis who reveal their spiritual visions.
٢٤. ولهم أباح وصاله محبوبهم
صوفية تبدي الشهود غيوبهم
25. When they became pure, their hearts purified for Him.
So the niche and the lamp blaze in His light.
٢٥. صافاهم فصفوا له فقلوبهم
في نوره المشكاة والمصباح
26. O our people! I have an excess of passion for you,
And patience has left me in my love of you.
٢٦. يا قومنا أنا زائد وجدي بكم
والصبر مني قد مضى في حبكم
27. So delight in what you have attained through your sobriety
And enjoy yourselves, for the time is sweet in your company.
٢٧. فاهنوا بما فزتم بهم من شربكم
وتمتعوا فالوقت طاب بقربكم
28. The drink was tasty and the cups pleasant.
A darkness has risen in my heart with passion
٢٨. راق الشراب وراقت الأقداح
رفعت لقلبي في الغرام ظلامة
29. For the prince of beauty with no ignorance in him.
Behold my love for the majesty of his perfection!
٢٩. لأمير حسن ما لديه جهالة
انظر عذولي في الجمال جلالة
30. O companion, the lover cannot be blamed
If the gleam of reunion’s horizon appeared.
٣٠. يا صاح ليس على المحب ملامة
إن لاح في أفق الوصال ملاح
31. Gently, O people spellbound with that passion!
The anguished one has not twisted away from your love.
٣١. رفقا بنا يا أهل ذياك اللوى
إن المتيم عن هواكم ما لوى
32. By God, the besotted one complains of pining,
The lovers have no fault if passion prevails.
٣٢. والله حلفة مغرم يشكو النوى
لا ذنب للعشاق إن غلب الهوى
33. They concealed it, so love grew and they confessed.
That Salma whom - alas! - her determination has undone,
٣٣. كتمانَهم فنما الغرام وباحوا
سلمى التي يا ويح مهجة صبها
34. Wounding with her glances and the arrows of her eyelash.
God requite the company who didn’t stint
٣٤. جرحت بمقلتها وأسهم هدبها
لله در عصابة في حبها
35. To ransom her with their own souls when they saw
That magnanimity brings relief.
٣٥. سمحوا بأنفسهم ما بخلوا بها
لما رأوا أن السماح رباح
36. They drank from cups of the beloved’s coffee of passion
And all hated things became desires to them.
٣٦. شربوا كؤوس هوى الأحبة قهوةً
ولهم غدت كل المكاره شهوةً
37. The sublime essence sought them earnestly
And the caller of truths summoned them.
٣٧. طلبتهم الذات النزيهة نخوةً
ودعاهمُ داعي الحقائق دعوةً
38. So they came, feeling intimate and at peace.
They are masters. With their voluntary humility -
٣٨. فغدوا بها مستأنسين وراحوا
هم سادة منهم بطيب خضوعهمْ
39. With love, the landscapes of their being grow luminous.
When anguish at separation increasingly consumed them,
٣٩. للحب حيث به تنير ربوعهم
لما تزايد بالفراق ولوعهم
40. They embarked on ships of dreadful seas as their tears
Became an ocean and the intensity of fear, their sailor.
٤٠. ركبوا على سفن الدجا فدموعهم
بحر وشدة خوفهم ملّاح
41. They removed their clothes and He replaced them.
He guided them to rectitude from error.
٤١. نزعوا الثياب فعوضوا بثيابه
وعن الخطا قد ساقهم لصوابه
42. He who honors them by raising the veil.
By God! They did not stand at His door
٤٢. وهو المعز لهم برفع حجابه
والله ما طلبوا الوقوف ببابه
43. Until they were called and received the key.
If He distances or draws them nearer in His grace,
٤٣. حتى دُعُوا وأتاهم المفتاح
هو إن نأى أو زاد في تقريبهم
44. They complain as they complain of the excess of their lament.
They who have tasted the delight of His affection
٤٤. يشكو كما يشكون فرط نحيبهم
وهم الذين تمتعوا بلبيهم
45. Are not delighted but by the mention of their Beloved.
Eternally - their every era is joy.
٤٥. لا يطربون لغير ذكر حبيبهم
أبداً فكل زمانهم أفراح
46. In them circulated the goblets of His quenching drink,
Until through it their sober minds were lost,
٤٦. فيهم لقد دارت كؤس سقاتهم
حتى بها زالت عقول صحاتهم
47. And when their Beloved appeared in their attributes,
They attended while witnesses of their essence disappeared.
٤٧. وحبيبهم لما بدا بصفاتهم
حضروا وقد غابت شواهد ذاتهم
48. So they were exposed when they saw Him and cried aloud:
The light of divine manifestation confused their intellects
٤٨. فتهتكوا لما رأوه وصاحوا
نور التجلي الحق حيَّر عقلهمْ
49. For its branches were more inward and its root more manifest.
A people, all merit attributable to them.
٤٩. لفروعهم أخفى وأظهر أصلهم
قوم جميع الفضل منتسب لهم
50. So resemble them if you are not already like them,
For to emulate the noble ones brings success.
٥٠. فتشبهوا إن لم تكونوا مثلهم
إن التشبه بالكرام فلاح
51. The garden branches were intoxicated from its breezes
And its birds trilled out their songs.
٥١. سكرت غصون الروض من نسماتها
وترنمت أطياره بلغاتها
52. The Essence manifested in the wonders of Its attributes.
Arise, my boon companion, to the wine and bring it
٥٢. والذات تجلى في بديع صفاتها
قم يا نديم إلى المدام فهاتها
53. In cups which the toasts have circled.
I recognized its people in preserving faithfulness,
٥٣. في كأسها قد دارت الأقداح
عرفت أهاليها بحفظ أمانةٍ
54. And perfection of mystical knowledge and lofty rank,
An excellent, long-aged wine, and the best bottle,
٥٤. وكمال عرفان ورفع مكانةٍ
بكر أجل طلاً وخير مدامةٍ
55. From the bounty of honor and approaching religion.
No wine soiled by the peasant’s feet!
٥٥. مِن كَرْمِ إكرامٍ بِدَنِّ ديانةٍ
لا خمرة قد داسها الفلاح