1. I wished for a slave, eighty years old
To free him when I reach eighty
١. تمنيت لي عبداً ثمانون عمره
لأعتقه لما بلغت الثمانينا
2. But they did not find anyone among the people whose age was that
And he would not have been freed, so they were perplexed about us
٢. فما وجدوا في الناس من عمرُهُ كذا
ولم يك معتوقاً فحيرتهم فينا
3. And they said, "The Lord of creation honors every freed
Slave who has something in age over ninety"
٣. وقالوا إله الخلق أكرمُ معتقٍ
لعبد له في العمر شيءٌ وتسعونا
4. So what do you think God will do after that
With a servile slave who serves Islamic law and religion
٤. فماذا تظن الله يفعل بعد ذا
بعبد رقيق يخدم الشرع والدينا
5. So my guess about Him makes me happy that He is the one
Who will save us from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection
٥. فأفرحني ظني به أنه الذي
من النار في يوم القيامة ينجينا