1. If God had created a counterpart in existence
It would have been like Him, and that's impossible
١. لو خلق الله وجوداً للورى
لكان مثله ومثله افترا
2. God has no equal, as stated
In the Quran for those who have read
٢. والله ليس مثله شيء كما
قد جاء في القرآن عند من قرا
3. The notion that there are two existences
Is a fanciful illusion
٣. والوهم في العقول ذاهب إلى
أن الوجود اثنان هكذا جرى
4. One existence being creation, the other being Creator
That is association, which is idolatry
٤. وجود خلق ووجود خالق
هو اشتراك وهو شرك يُمترى
5. In truth, all creation is nonexistence
Which God predestined into existence
٥. وإنما الخلق جميعاً عدم
مقدِّرٌ له الإلهُ قدرا
6. Known to Him from eternity past
Before He brought them into reality
٦. وكلهم في العلم مفروضاته
وعلمه القديم محلول العرى
7. He then manifested them through the precise decrees
He preordained, so they appeared
٧. وقد تجلى بالتقادير التي
قدرها جميعها فظهرا
8. Transcendent and sanctified, distinct from
All that the mind conjectures
٨. منزهاً مقدساً عنها وعن
جميع ما في العقل قد تصورا
9. He alone is true Existence, outwardly manifest
Yet inwardly concealed from others' perception
٩. فهو الوجود الحق ظاهر لنا
وباطن عن غيرنا مستترا
10. For others only see His decree
But not Him, neither in vision nor in consciousness
١٠. لأن غيرنا يرى تقديره
ولا يراه لا رأى ولا درى
11. A decree without a decreer
Is logically impossible in reason's realm
١١. وكل تقدير بلا مقدر
هو المحال المحض في عقل الورى
12. One who forms an image from nothingness
Is himself the existence beholding it
١٢. ومن يصور صورة من عدم
فإنه وجودها الذي يرى
13. Yet it is veiled from him by his own illusion
While knowledge unveils what is ascertained
١٣. لكنها محجوبة عنه بها
والعلم يكشف الذي تقررا
14. The deluded fool holds fast to his denial
Thereby going astray and refusing truth
١٤. والجاهل المغرور هذا عنده
مستبعد ضل به فأنكرا
15. While we know the decrees determined
By the Originator to whom all owes its being
١٥. ونحن نعلم التقادير التي
قدرها الباري الذي لها برى
16. We are among those decrees, all of us
While He alone is true Existence, in whom there is no doubt
١٦. ونحن من جملتها أجمعنا
وهو الوجود الحق ما فيه امتِرا
17. He is unseen and unknown to us
And beyond our comprehension, as we have stated
١٧. وإنه غيب ولا نعرفه
وعجزنا عنه لنا تحررا
18. So follow our path and speak as we have spoken
If you wish acceptance by the Greatest Elder
١٨. فاتبع طريقنا وقل بقولنا
إن رمت شيخنا الكبير الأكبرا