1. The one with knowledge, a built palace that does not collapse
An overflowing well, the one with ignorance, a demolished building
١. ذو العلم قصر مشيد ليس ينهدمُ
بئرٌ معطلةٌ ذو الجهل مرتدمُ
2. And being close to the Creator of the universes is knowledge
With it the hearts of its people in Him blaze
٢. والقرب من خالق الأكوان معرفة
بها قلوب ذويها فيه تأتدمُ
3. What is asceticism but the state of the wayfarers to
The closeness of God, for them it elevates their steps
٣. ما الزهد إلا مقام السالكين إلى
قرب الإله لهم يعلو به قدم
4. And how can there be asceticism for a man whose gaze
His eyes see that the whole universe is nonexistent
٤. وكيف يمكن زهد لامرئٍ نظرت
عيناه أن جميع الكون منعدم
5. But He is everlasting, meaning; so for Him there is no
Denying with an affirming saying, described by the Ancient
٥. لكنه ثابت يعني فليس له
نفيٌ بإثبات قولٍ وصفُهُ القدم
6. And all things with the Evident Truth for them
Appeared, and their structure without Him demolished
٦. وإنما الكل بالحق المبين لهم
بانوا وبنيانهم لولاه منهدم
7. So He is the existence that none other forever
And they are His ordinations, the served and the servant
٧. فهو الوجود الذي لا غيره أبداً
وهم تقاديره المخدوم والخدم
8. And One He is in essence and in attribute
Absolute and restrictions on their flesh and blood
٨. وواحد هو في ذات وفي وصفة
ومطلق وقيود لحمهم ودم
9. And those connected to Him standing by Him
So He is the existence for them; by delusion perishing
٩. والواصلون إليه قائمون به
فهو الوجود لهم بالوهم ينعدم
10. And nothing is with the Evident Truth. Is there
With existence other than Him? And the equal is nonexistence.
١٠. وليس شيء مع الحق المبين وهل
مع الوجود سواه والسوى عدم