1. This is a time of great hardship
Spared from none of its evils, the whole clan
١. إن هذا زمن الأمر العسيرْ
ما خلا من شره كل العشيرْ
2. They spoke well and said as one
None compares to God, the Almighty
٢. حسَّنوا القول وقالوا واحد
ما له ثانٍ هو الله الكبير
3. Truthful were they in their words, not in what
Lies hidden for them inside, well known
٣. صدقوا في قولهم لا في الذي
عندهم في باطن الأمر شهير
4. For if by senses or mind
They saw or comprehended, they said a lot
٤. إنهم في الحس والعقل إذا
أبصروا أو أدركوا قالوا كثير
5. Made Him two; one absent from them
And the other, the Perfect, the Most High
٥. جعلوه اثنين عنهم واحد
غائب والآخر الجم الغفير
6. And He who made Him one, in
Their view, has no place among them
٦. والذي وحَّده ألحد في
زعمهم ما إن له منهم تصير
7. The root of this is their belief
That other than God has effect and power
٧. أصل هذا أنهم يعتقدو
ن سوى الله بتأثير يصير
8. And it's their choice, made by them
Realized it is, and to God is the return
٨. وهو جزء اختياريٌّ لهم
حققوه وإلى الله المصير
9. You see them worship God while
Seeking money through it, how mean
٩. وتراهم يعبدون الله مع
طلب المال به المال الحقير
10. Thus no worshipper do they have
Who doesn't hint to money, it's clear
١٠. ولهذا ما له من عابد
عندهم إلا وبالمال يشير
11. So all acts of worship they mixed
With attainment of easy and hard
١١. فالعبادات جميعا خلطوا
ها بتحصيل عسير ويسير
12. Where, where are the sincere - listen
My friends, and leave the blatant idolatry
١٢. أين أين المخلصون استمعوا
يا رفاقي واتركوا الشرك المبير
13. And to God return and ask forgiveness
From your Lord for what leads to hellfire
١٣. وإلى الله ارجعوا واستغفروا
ربكم مما به نار السعير
14. They were ordered to worship
With sincerity the religion, said the Able
١٤. إنما قد أمروا أن يعبدوا
مخلصين الدين في قول القدير
15. And that to God belongs a pure faith
Such is the meaning of His word, the All-Aware
١٥. وألا لله دين خالص
هو معنى قوله وهو الخبير