1. We are all vessels
And we have meanings within ourselves
١. لمائه كلُّنا أواني
ونحن في نفسه معاني
2. And all are shadows of a matter
And its essence is the sun in eloquence
٢. والكل عن أمره ظلال
وذاته الشمس في البيان
3. The degrees of existence became
The realities of the unseen and the witnessed
٣. مراتب بالوجود صارت
حقائق الغيب والعيان
4. About all its attributes it elucidated
To people like an interpreter
٤. عن كل أوصافه أبانت
عند الورى مثل ترجمان
5. Its existence continues to be coloured by it
With indigo and saffron
٥. وجوده لا يزال منها
يطلى بنيل وزعفران
6. And with darkness and light
And with striking and stabbing
٦. وبظلام وبضياء
وبضراب وبطعان
7. And with inanimate and vegetation
And with people and animals
٧. وبجماد وبنبات
وبأناس وحيوان
8. And with men and women
And old and young
٨. وبرجال وبنساء
وأهل شيب وعنفوان
9. And every intellect and every beauty
And the aspirers and wishes
٩. وكل عقل وكل حسن
والمتمنين والأماني
10. And every understanding and every illusion
And every time and every instant
١٠. وكل فهم وكل وهم
وكل وقت وكل آن
11. And the kingdom and omnipotence
And every human and every Jinn
١١. وملكوت وجبروت
وكل إنس وكل جان
12. And every chalice and every cup
And every wine and every tavern
١٢. وكل ساق وكل كاس
وكل خمر وكل حان
13. And with good and evil
And with worries and congratulations
١٣. وبحسانٍ وبقباحٍ
وبهموم وبتهاني
14. And everything I turned away from
And my tongue did not explicitly state
١٤. وكل شيء صرفت عنه
ولم يصرّح به لساني
15. Everyone's illusions about it
From excessive honour and loftiness of rank
١٥. توهُّمات الجميع فيه
من فرط عز ورفع شان
16. It is too majestic for them and my words
Glorious is He whom I praised
١٦. يجل عنها وعن مقالي
يجل فيما به سباني
17. Knowledge and ignorance became equal
Both helpless to comprehend Him
١٧. والعلم بالجهل قد تساوى
عجزهما عنه في قران
18. And every servant with what he has
Is in tribulation and temptation from Him
١٨. وكل عبد بما لديه
في محنة منه وافتتان
19. And He manifested in everything
Yet He remains apart from the world of existence
١٩. وقد تجلى بكل شيء
والشيء من عالم الكيان
20. So His space is the space of all
Like light in the dye of the flask
٢٠. فَضَاءَ منه فَضَاءُ كُلٍّ
كالنور في صبغة القناني
21. And in Him it existed so it became through Him
And the heart intuitively knows its meaning
٢١. وفيه كانت فصار فيها
والقلب ينبيك عن بيان
22. And there is nothing in it except His existence
Remaining and all else perishing
٢٢. وليس غير الوجود فيها
بقائم والجميع فاني
23. And He is as He was eternally
Without change or storage
٢٣. وهو على ما عليه قدماً
بلا انتقال ولا اختزان
24. And no connection or separation
And no divergence or association
٢٤. ولا اتصال ولا انفصال
ولا افتراق ولا اقتران
25. And no direction or directions
And neither time nor place
٢٥. ولا التفات ولا جهات
ولا زمان ولا مكان
26. And neither descent nor union
And neither duality nor closeness
٢٦. ولا حلول ولا اتحاد
ولا تناء ولا تداني
27. So if you understand, otherwise
Leave my words to those who understand
٢٧. فإن تكن فاهماً وإلا
فدع كلامي لمن يداني
28. And do not weary what you do not know of Him
With your deficient fainthearted self
٢٨. ولا تعب ما جهلت منه
بقلبك القاصر الجبان
29. And leave what I have said to people
Whose ears are delighted by my melodies
٢٩. وخل ما قلته لقوم
يطرب أسماعهم أذاني
30. For the caller to perfection in me
Is heard gratefully by whom He wills
٣٠. فإن داعي الكمال مني
يسمع من شاء بامتنان
31. And everything suits Him
And He transcends every suit
٣١. وكل شيء للحق شان
والحق باد في كل شان
32. The meaning of all is a house for Him
Every one smells His fine scent
٣٢. مسك له الكل طيب عرف
معنى له الكل كالمباني
33. We are predeterminations from Him through Him
Like how, what, and where
٣٣. نحن التقادير منه فيه
كالكيف والكمِّ والمكان
34. And He is the sole eternal existence
And He has no second in existence
٣٤. وهو الوجود القديم صرفاً
وما له في الوجود ثاني
35. Moses the Interlocutor saw Him as fire
Through Him everything seemed like smoke
٣٥. رآه موسى الكليم ناراً
عنه بدا الكل كالدخان
36. And he wanted to see Him
But he only came to "You will not see Me" from Him
٣٦. ورام منه بأن يراه
فجاءه عنه لن تراني
37. For had he not been a seer, he would have
Seen Him as one brought near
٣٧. لكونه رائياً فلو لم
يرى رآه إليه داني
38. But his passion for Him prevailed over him
So he went beyond the bridled course
٣٨. لكن علا شوقه عليه
منه عدا مالك العنان
39. And increased until he removed
The certainty he had in the gardens [of Paradise]
٣٩. وزاد حتى أزال عنه
تثبُّتاً كان في الجنان
40. And he fell into bewilderment
And into astonishment from what he endured
٤٠. ومنه قد صار في ذهول
وفي اندهاش لما يعاني
41. And passion greatly intoxicates the minds
In seeing the beautiful faces
٤١. والشوق يوهي العقول جدّاً
في رؤية الأوجه الحسان
42. Until when He shook his mountain
And he fell unconscious in veil
٤٢. حتى إذا دك منه طور
و عاد بالصعق في اكتمان
43. He regained conscious repenting, bending before God
Glorifying, seeking safety
٤٣. أفاق مستغفراً منيباً
مسبِّحاً طالب الأمان
44. He did not say I saw or I did not see
For he had witnessed with his eyes
٤٤. ما قال إني رأيت أو ما
رأيت إذ كان في عيان
45. He had loved Him so he became
His beloved, gentle and intimate
٤٥. كان محباً له فأضحى
محبوبه الرائق الدنان
46. And nothing was concealed from him, but was
Revealed to him openly without hesitation
٤٦. وما عليه اختفى تبدى
له جهاراً بلا تواني
47. And everything began to show him
What it had hidden carefully
٤٧. وصار يبديه كل شيء
قد كان أخفاه باجتنان
48. And for the passionates there are signs of truth
That appear in the melody of passion
٤٨. وللمثاني آيات حق
تظهر في نغمة المثاني
49. Which every one with a heart tastes
With the intimacy of nearing God
٤٩. يذوقها كل ذي فؤاد
بنيل قرب الإله عاني
50. Their sky cracked from love
And their roses became like paint
٥٠. سماؤه بالغرام شقت
وورده صار كالدهان
51. They die from contemplation then are revived
By remembering in the heart and on the tongue
٥١. يموت بالفكر ثم يحيى
بالذكر في القلب واللسان
52. And the ignorant are suspicious of Him
While God tests them
٥٢. ويستريب الجهول منه
والله يلقيه في امتحان
53. And they do not live except
In extreme humiliation and abasement
٥٣. ولا تراه يعيش إلا
في فرط ذل وفي هوان
54. And if they die, the reward is hellfire
Because they wronged and oppressed
٥٤. وإن يمت فالجزاء نارٌ
لأنه للضلال جاني
55. And denied the truth arrogantly
And with insolence and transgression
٥٥. وبافتراء وباعتداء
أنكر حقاً وبامتهان
56. And God does not waste anything
So how can He let one who witnesses Him be harmed?
٥٦. ولا يضيعُ الإلهُ شيئاً
فكيف إيذاء ذي العيان