1. With pleading ambition, leaving behind the claim of attainment, so
No man ever succeeded by the claim of attainment, so
١. دُم طالباً تاركاً دعوى الوصول فما
فاز أمرؤٌ بَلَّ من دعوى الوصول فَما
2. I have not seen a people for them the claim of reaching
The Master of masters whose generosity has encompassed them
٢. رأيت قوماً لهم دعوى الوصول إلى
مولى الموالي الذي قد عمهم كرما
3. And from Him they turned back, intentionally for themselves
They manage with it pleasures and pains
٣. وعنه قد رجعوا قصداً لأنفسهم
يدبرون بها اللذاتِ والألما
4. And nothing in them except the claim of attainment, and they
Lived with it in excessive delusion and blindness
٤. وليس فيهم سوى دعوى الوصول وقد
عاشوا بها في غرور زائد وعمى
5. And God, they did not attain God if they turned back
And how can one return who in the presence has vanished?
٥. والله ما وصلوا لله إن رجعوا
وكيف يرجع من في الحضرة انعدما
6. And after vanishing, his essence
Moved to the unseen reality from which he was concealed
٦. وبعدما انعدم انزاحت حقيقته
إلى حقيقة غيب عنه فانكتما
7. And it became what it became, which I cannot utter
A light that made lights and darkness cease to be
٧. وكان ما كان مما لا أفوه به
نور لقد أعدم الأنوار والظلما
8. For He is the real existence and the rest is nonexistence
A sovereignty that surrounded the Lord who knew
٨. فهو الوجود الحقيقيْ والسوى عدم
صرف أحاط به الرب الذي علما
9. And with what He knew in ancient knowledge, indeed
The Truth spoke until He brought forth the word
٩. وبالذي هو في العلم القديم لقد
تكلم الحق حتى أظهر الكلما
10. And the matter "Be," so it becomes, all creation
In every blink of an eye, a flashing annihilation
١٠. والأمر كن فيكون الخلق أجمعهم
في كل طرفة عين بارقاً دهما
11. Leave claims and stand broken at the door
Perhaps the gatekeeper will accept you, if he shows mercy
١١. دع الدعاوي وقم في الباب منكسراً
لعل يقبلك البواب إن رحما
12. And do not vie with anyone to attain wishes
And know that the decree of God has become binding
١٢. ولا تزاحم على نيل المنى أحداً
واعلم بأن قضاء الله قد لزما
13. And all are from Him, and none other than Him, so leave
Your ignorance and abandon that delusion
١٣. والكل منه وما منه سواه فدع
عنك الجهالة واترك ذلك الوهما