
I am the ancient meaning

إني أنا المعني القديم

1. I am the ancient meaning
I am the great tidings

١. إني أنا المعني القديمُ
إني أنا النبأ العظيمُ

2. And I am the hidden secret
And I am the straight path

٢. وأنا هو السر الخفي
وأنا الصراط المستقمُ

3. The truth is with me, all-knowing
And of itself it is the Knower

٣. والحق بي هو عالم
وبنفسه فهو العليم

4. Existence itself has no meaning
That existence is the Ancient

٤. والذات لا معنى لها
تلك الوجود هي القديم

5. So if you know, then the meaning
Is a meaning for an enduring meaning

٥. فإذا عرفت فإنما
معنى لمعنى مستديم

6. It is another attribute of His
Which we did and He is the Lasting

٦. هو نزلة أخرى له
قمنا بها وهو المقيم

7. And the one whom He has favored
With His abundant grace saw Him through it

٧. ولقد رآه بها الذي
هو فضله فينا العميم

8. O essence without essence
But it is a generous description

٨. يا جوهراً لا جوهر
لكنه وصف كريم

9. Its manifestations carried out by Him
And by His benevolence came the breeze

٩. قامت به أعارضه
وبطيبه جاء النسيم

10. We yearned so we said thus
And the essence is rain, O sagacious one

١٠. حرنا فقلنا هكذا
والذات غيث يا فهيم

11. The unseen of the unseen, glorified
Is what hearts are preoccupied with

١١. غيب الغيوب تنزهت
عما القلوب به تهيم

12. We point to You, not to
Something existent, we are but the non-existent

١٢. إنّا إليك نشير لا ال
موجود نحن بل العديم

13. And the Truth is not an expression
From us to Him and He is the Companion

١٣. والحق ليس عبارةً
منّا له وهو النديم

14. He draws near and distances whom He wills
He is the punishment, He is the bliss

١٤. يدني ويقصي من يشا
وهو العذاب هو النعيم

15. We are its meaning, but
Its meaning is grasped by the discerning

١٥. معناه نحن وإنما
معناه يدركه الشميم

16. And He is all existence
And the cave and the inscribed

١٦. وهو الكوائن كلها
والكهف أيضا والرقيم

17. God is Greater, none other
For He is the perfect wisdom

١٧. الله أكبر لا سوا
ه فإنه العقد النظيم

18. And the wire, and He is beyond everything
All is Forgiving, Forbearing

١٨. والسلك وهو وراء كل
ل الكل غفار حليم

19. And I am the ill one who has seen
Incapacity, and the ill are not cured

١٩. وأنا السقيم وقد رتى
عجز ولا يشفى السقيم

20. And the universe is like me in this way
But an infant or one who is weaned

٢٠. والكون مثلي هكذا
لكن رضيع أو فطيم