
Do not walk with him as you see,

لا تمش معه كما ترى

1. Do not walk with him as you see,
And walk backwards to him,

١. لا تمش معه كما ترى
وامش إليه القهقرى

2. And listen to him overturning,
As he came to you resolved,

٢. وإليه فاسمع تقلبو
ن كما أتاك مقررا

3. Or have you not heard that
He has said about you as you see,

٣. أوما سمعت بأنه
قد قال عنك كما ترى

4. This that has come in the
Qur'an about him without doubt

٤. هذا الذي قد جاء في ال
قرآن عنه بلا امتِرا

5. You will see him not with a
Familiar vision to you in existence,

٥. لتراه ليس برؤية
معهودة لك في الورى

6. But a vision without vision
And the talk went on and what went on

٦. بل رؤية لا رؤية
وجرى الحديث وما جرى

7. Existence is only for him
But your essence manifests him

٧. إن الوجود فقط له
لكن أبانك مظهرا

8. So witness him, witness only
Him and be with him however existence is

٨. فاشهده لا تشهد سوا
ه وكن به كيف الكرى

9. And all creatures
Are like an illusion when it flows

٩. والكائنات جميعها
مثل الخيال إذا سرى

10. Like a glance from the vision of one
Who read the book and did not know

١٠. كاللمح من بصر لمن
قرأ الكتاب وما درى

11. It is His command and the command indeed
He knew so it came predetermined

١١. هو أمره والأمر قد
دره فجاء مقدرا

12. O manifestation of the Evident Truth look to your Lord from behind
And understand the words of a knower

١٢. يا مظهر الحق المبي
ن انظر لربك من ورا

13. And leave fiction and slander

١٣. وافهم مقالة عارف
ودع المرا والإفترا