
Verify that the spirit in all is one

تحقق فإن الروح في الكل واحد

1. Verify that the spirit in all is one
And nothing but the spirit knows it, present

١. تحقق فإن الروح في الكل واحدُ
ولا شيء إلا الروح يدريه واجدُ

2. And that is from God's command as it came
And the command is only one, it's evident

٢. وذلك من أمر الإله كما أتى
وما الأمر إلا واحد وهو شاهد

3. And the one with the command, who's God, no doubt
He's the one intended, the all were ardently seeking

٣. وذو الأمر وهو الله لا شك أنه
هو الواحد المقصود والكل قاصد

4. And that spirit became all the minds and the
Souls and bodies of creation converging

٤. وقد صار ذاك الروح كل العقول وال
نفوس وأجسام الورى تتوارد

5. So it shows as different from it yet it's essence
Is sensed by the perceptive and seeing

٥. فتظهر أغياراً له وهو عينها
يحس به الذوق السليم المشاهد

6. While the ignorant by sensations thinks multiplicity
And follows fancy, and an obstinate mind is misleading

٦. وذو الجهل بالمحسوس يحسب كثرة
ويتبعه في الوهم عقل معاند

7. And that spirit flashes like lightning revealed
From the unseen of the unseen, then recurring

٧. ويلمح ذاك الروح كالبرق ظاهراً
عن الأمر غيب الغيب ثم يعاود

8. According to the names' requirements, all of them
Are the face, God's face in text recurring

٨. على مقتضى الأسماء وهي جميعها
هي الوجه وجه الله في النص وارد

9. And for the face was the spirit its mirror
In which its traces and intentions were appearing

٩. وللوجه كان الروح مرآته التي
تلوح بها آثاره والمقاصد

10. So in the spirit all the worlds manifest
Reflections of God's purposes wandering

١٠. فتظهر في الروح العوالم كلها
عكوس مرادات الإله شوارد

11. And their arrangement in knowledge appears this
Way to us - so born, mother, and father

١١. وترتيبها في العلم يظهر هكذا
لدينا فمولود وأم ووالد

12. And whoever felt in the mirror his face's image
To the face and the mirror this feeling is tribute

١٢. ومن حس في المرآة صورة وجهه
فللوجه والمرآة ذا الحس رافد

13. And through the image the mirror hides from him
So the one who supposed, and the mind was dormant

١٣. وبالصورة المرآة عنه تسترت
فظن الذي قد ظن والعقل راقد

14. And for this reason the people of our path said
Phantom and shadow what came from the Real wasn't evident

١٤. ومن أجل هذا قال أهل طريقنا
خيال وظل ما عن الحق وافد

15. And the poor soul didn't know what the knower said
And thought badly while to the Real he wasponent

١٥. ولم يعرف المسكين ما قال عارف
وقد ظن سوءاً وهو للحق جاحد

16. If the Merciful granted him guidance
He'd see his deficiencies, so he'd struggle

١٦. فلو وفق الرحمن ذلك للهدى
رأى نقصه في نفسه فيجاهد

17. And be busy by day and night with himself
With a heart detached from all that was deficient

١٧. ويصبح مشغولاً ويمسي بنفسه
وقلب له في كل ما عاق زاهد

18. But he, despised by his Lord's judgement
Upon him, knows not, and is not guided

١٨. ولكنه الممقوت من حكم ربه
عليه ولا يدري وما هو راشد